Hay fever and Thunderstorm Asthma
Grass pollen season brings a seasonal increase in asthma and hay fever. It also brings the chance of thunderstorm asthma. When a large number of people develop asthma symptoms over a short period of time, caused by high amounts of grass pollen and a certain type of thunderstorm, it is known as epidemic thunderstorm asthma.
Please ensure all action plans for asthma and allergies are current and uploaded to your childs Operoo Profile and if your child suffers from hay fever remember to give medications like anti-histamines so they can be comfortable while at school.
Cheryl Pajor
School Nurse/Student Services Administrator
Success at the Virtual Instrumental Concert Series
A huge congratulation to the Music Team for their Virtual Instrumental Concert Series conducted at the beginning of Term 4. Around 130 items were presented over four nights which included performances on Piano, Brass, Woodwind, Violin, Cello, Drums, Bass, Guitar and Vocals. What an amazing talented group of students we have! It was so good that, even though we are in lockdown, the opportunity was given to enable the students to showcase their talents.
Special thanks to all the instrumental teachers for preparing the students under difficult circumstances and doing all their lessons over Zoom. Also huge thanks to Luke Batty and Michelle Perera for pulling the program together and to Peter Friend for all his behind-the-scenes work!
Tim Farmilo
Acting Principal
STEPtember Challenge
The St Andrews Sport Department are excited to present the fantastic results of the “STEPtember Challenge”.
Students competed as a Year Level (along with the help of some of their teachers) and submitted their daily steps via the hub. At the end of the challenge, the Year Level with the most amount of steps, to be declared the winner of the inaugural St Andrews STEPtember Challenge is Year 8!
Well done to all the Year 8 students who kept active and brought home the win!
We were so thrilled to see our families staying active during this lockdown and making the most of the beautiful sunshine.
Keep on walking!
Andrew Farmer and the Sport Department
Welcome Back to Maths Class!
One of the things we have missed most in maths this Semester is working together in person. Zooms and breakout rooms have dominated our maths landscape and have worked to a degree, but there is something special about being able to be in the same place, thinking aloud together and modelling problems with a variety of materials.
The Year 5/6 enrichment maths group enjoyed such a time on their first day back at school.
The challenge: Is it possible to place 5 queens on a chess board so that all of the spaces are ‘covered’? What is the maximum number of squares that can be ‘covered’ by 4 queens?
It was great watching the class work together on their strategies, borrowing ideas and materials from each other in their enthusiasm to engage with the problem.
In maths – we truly are ‘better together’.
Kerryn Terrington
Learning Support Teacher – Secondary
Parenting Ideas
Parenting Ideas are hosting a series of Webinars with highly credentialed parenting experts during 2021. These webinars can be attended free of charge (regular value $39) by using the Webinar Voucher below.
The final webinar for the year is being held on November 10th 8:00 pm – Using birth order knowledge for a parenting edge.
For access to the Webinar or more great ideas and articles to help you in your parenting journey, explore the Parenting Ideas website. Click here
Michael Swanborough
Head of Learning and Teaching
Congratulations Zoe - Writing Competition Winner
When Year 3 Student Zoe Almodiel saw the Writing Competition (from Saci Books) in Library News of Issue 2 of St Andrews Christian College Newsletter, she joined in and submitted her entry.
St Andrews are pleased to hear that Zoe's piece has been selected as a winning entry for publication. The book featuring Zoe's writing, Who Has the Key to Lockdown? Illustratedby Nell Killeen and Edited by Maira Metelo has been published and is now available in Amazon and Booktopia.
Well done Zoe, what a fantastic achievement!
Outside School Hours Care (OSHC) Newsletter
The 'OSHC Branches' October newsletter is available to download & read below.
Sally Wade
OSHC Coordinator
Winter Season 2021
Due to COVID restrictions/lockdown our teams were unable to finish the season with finals, but the teams placed as following:
U/11 Phoenix Section Green = 1st place
U/11 Giants Section White = 5th Place
U/13 Mockingbirds Section 2= 6th place
U/13 Jets Section 3= 4th place
U/15 Vipers Section 3= 5th Place
U/15 Thunderbirds Section 4= 6th Place
U/18 Swifts Section 1= 3rd Place
U/18 Vixens Section 3= 6th Place
Congratulations to the U/13 Jets and U/18 Swifts for making the finals and U/11 Phoenix for finishing top of the ladder!
Macaron Fundraiser
What a great success this fundraiser was, with many people enjoying the scrumptious macarons made by de’medici Macarons.
We made over $900 in profit and we hope to run this fundraiser again around May 2022, just in time for Mothers' Day. Thanks to the amazing volunteers who hand delivered these beautiful macarons to all our customers……thanks for being so generous!
Spring Mini Competition
A 6 Week Season starts either the 6th or 13th November depending on Government requirements. We are looking forward to getting back into the training and playing of this team playing sport.
Keep an eye out on our website for information regarding Winter 2022 Season Registrations – St Andrews Netball Club – coming soon!
Lauren Gaschk
St Andrews Netball Club President
Wellbeing Lunchtime Clubs
Our ‘remote style’ lunchtime clubs have drawn to a close after providing some much needed fun, social connection and distraction during remote learning. Thank you to all of the amazing students who have been involved.
Thank you to Sophia Tran (our Art Captain) for her leadership and ongoing support of the younger students while they create fantastic artworks using a variety of skills and mediums!
Well done to Caitlyn Smith (our Wellbeing Captain) and Michelle McCabe (a Wellbeing Legend) for their continual reminder that connection and laughing is so important – especially while baking!
The LEGO Club has seen some very dramatic builds – the last being a recognition of and congratulations to our amazing Year 12s.
These Lunchtime Clubs will continue in person but may look a bit different when we come back to full-time, on-site learning. Thank you everyone!
Mrs Marina Heading
PFA Annual General Meeting
The PFA Annual General Meeting will be held on
Wednesday 17th November, at 7:30pm via Zoom.
Please find below the PFA Annual General Meeting Agenda and Nomination Form.
Please note that the Nomination Form requires the name and signature of the Nominee together with 2 names and signatures of Financial Members (Parents / Grandparents / Guardians of enrolled students) in order to be valid.
Date: Wednesday 17th November 2021
Time: 7:30pm
We welcome anyone who would like to be on the general committee or who would like to participate in meetings and planning of PFA activities. You are not required to nominate for a position on the PFA Executive.
Andrew O'Brien
PFA President
College Art Show
The Bi-Annual College Art Show is opening in Week 6 and we can’t wait to honour the creativity of our students! Work will be on display for students from Prep to Year 11 and this year we have added a section to celebrate artwork from our College staff. From ceramics and tapestry to carving, sketches and mixed media, taxidermy and sticky tape sculpture – there is so much to soak in.
Due to the nature of the current Covid restrictions all students will have a chance to view their work and we will be filming the whole show for families to enjoy online.
Part of the excitement of the Art Show is the bright celebration of community viewed as you enter the Secondary foyer – the Jeremiah Tree! This enormous wire and fabric tree holds leaves the names of every student at the College and a flower for each staff member! Everyone from Prep to Year 12, Administration, CRTs Teachers, IT, Maintenance, Learning Support and OSHC are represented. It is a reminder of our College verse for 2021 – Jeremiah 17: 7-8, that we are to remain planted by the river of God’s faithfulness and salvation, growing healthy green leaves and fruit for His glory.
Mrs Darlison, Mrs Wheelton, Mrs Heading, Miss Colliver & Miss Tunstill
The Visual Art Team