From the Principal

Confidence, Independence, Persistence, Resilience, Respect.

Well done everyone! Have a restful break from the screens and remote school and see you all next term.

Dear IPS Community,


Whether remotely or onsite our aim is to create and maintain a school environment that is inclusive and empowering. A learning environment that values the positive contributions of students and creates a sense of belonging and connectedness that is conducive to positive behaviours and effective engagement in learning.


At the heart of our work the common goal is school improvement. Where every student gets the best possible outcomes and we all contribute to that journey.  How we can continue to improve and grow.


I think if you spend some time going through this publication and recent newsletters you'll see the engagement and the contributions of our IPS students and, more broadly the community and draw the conclusions we as a staff have which is "all is pretty good in our neighbourhood".


Fingers crossed that as vaccination rates go up we are more likely to return to IPS onsite for Term 4. I look forward to the Premier's announcement on Sunday and will communicate to you how any new information will affect Ivanhoe Primary School through Class Dojo and COMPASS over the school break.

Finding Wally's

Thank you for all the terrific feedback regarding our Wally initiative and how great to see so many families out and about on their bikes, scooters, skateboards or just walking around our neighbourhood looking for Wally's!


A whopping 67,040 house points were collected in two weeks. Here is your house's total. In terms of community engagement the photos say it all. Please take some time to check  out the "Here's Wally" page in this edition of "Inside Ivanhoe".

Premier’s Reading Challenge

The Premier’s Reading Challenge closes on the 17th of September. Here at Ivanhoe Primary School we will be closing it off on the 16th of September to give us time to verify all the books. So please make sure you add your books by the end of Thursday 16th of September.  Thank you for your participation.

Social Media and children (*Parents be vigilant)

Most social media networks have a minimum registration age of 13 years. This is due to a laws in many countries that prohibits collecting the personal information of children under 13 without parental consent. It is not a crime for children under 13 to use these networks, but it is a violation of terms and conditions.


Some Social Media have worked around to enable younger users to sign up. For example, to sign up for TikTok, you must first pass through an age gate but if you're under 13 years old, you'll be placed into a TikTok for Younger Users experience which apparently has additional privacy and safety protections designed specifically for this audience.


Regardless, It is a good idea to protect younger children from online risks such as encountering harmful content, contact with strangers or missing out on physical activity. But it is up to you to decide when and how they take these first steps, and how best to support them as they begin their online journey. 


Help your children safely navigate their digital world and educate them to avoid harmful online experiences. Explore websites, games, apps and social media together and set some rules. 


Remember that your support and guidance can give your child(ren) the confidence to make sound decisions online ― and ask for help when they need it.


A great Australian resource is and .

Vacation Care Program

OSHClub intends to run its holiday program at IPS these holidays. The program is attached but please contact OSHClub on 1300 395 735 for details relating to potential pandemic closures.

HOLIDAYS!! But what to do in lockdown 

If there are younger children in the house and you’re still working here are some ideas.

The pdf has active links. (Thanks Ms O'Connor for sending this in)


As part of our commitment to learning catch up and extension there is now  a page dedicated with tips to help your child learn. Not all will be relevant to your child or your circumstances, but if you find just a few ideas to help you help your child engage with their learning then it will have been worth it.


Below is a link to two fact sheets to support the mental health and wellbeing of students over school holidays.


The fact sheets include information to: 

  • support positive mental health and wellbeing of students
  • identify signs students may need mental health support
  • access available support.

Both fact sheets have been translated into 19 languages. 

We will continue to deliver great outcomes through perserverance and persistance. We will look after each other and we will prevail.  Enjoy the break from screens and school.


Thank you for your continued support and see you next term.


Mark Kent



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Please read the School Fair News page in this edition of "Inside Ivanhoe".