College Head of Learning

September 2021 Holiday Rest

Here we are at the end of another gruelling term of Home Learning. Well done – you have made it to the holidays! I think we all – students, parents, teachers – deserve sincere congratulations for getting through the term as well as we could under far from ideal circumstances.


Term 3 has demanded a lot of us. It’s important now to take some time to rest and rejuvenate. We need a break in order to be ready to begin Term 4 with the enthusiasm and energy that it will require.


For all students in Prep to Year 10, there should be little or no schoolwork to complete over the holidays. For those students who may not have completed everything in Term 3, it is important to be given the chance to begin Term 4 with a clean slate, rather than still having the shadow of Term 3 hanging over their heads.


Please do not feel that you need to push your child to work harder or do more at this time. Instead, take the opportunity, if you are able, to allow them time away from their screens, to enjoy some board games, spend time cooking or crafting, indulge in some hobbies, read some great books, listen to music, and enjoy the spring weather in a park (while obeying restrictions, naturally).


Term 4 will roll around soon enough and we will manage whatever it brings as best we can; for now, please enjoy the respite of the holidays.

Ms Kerri Batch

College Head of Learning