Notices and Reminders

Review of School Communication beginning Term 2

COMPASS will be the priority form of communication with newsletters and other information available on the school website

- All school newsletters will be published on COMPASS and a link provided on the school website

- SMS will be used for urgent/important reminders.

- The skoolbag app will cease at the end of this term.

- Facebook will be used to showcase our events/programs.

Friday 31st March

Last day of term 2:30pm finish.

School Supervision Times

Just a reminder that students are supervised by our school staff between the hours of 8.45am and 3.45pm. Students who arrive at school before 8.45am or are at school after 3.45pm should either be enrolled at OSHC or be under the direct supervision of a parent. This is important for our duty of care and for your child's safety. If there are any concerns about this please speak to Mrs O'Brien.


Please do not use the staff car park or enter through the drive way gates unless you are picking up from Out of School Hours Care.