DP Theatre 

Gender Euphoria


Our final theatre excursion of 2019 was Gender Euphoria. As you can see by the photos, Lucinda, Eleanor, Abi, Liv and I had a wonder-full time. We did in fact meet the whole cast after and Mama Alto kindly forwarded her email address so we could get some official press release photos too! Have a read below to hear what DP Theatre students had to say.


Kate Ellis

Drama and Language and Literature Teacher



Gender Euphoria was an elaborate explosion of talent and soul that explored life as members of the LGBTQI+ community. The diverse and energetic show contained a variety of breathtaking acts such as dancing, singing, magic, circus acts and much more! The layout for the show was in a circus-like tent with flashing lights which created a very fun upbeat setting for us as audience members. The show was an incredible invigorating experience and we even got to meet the cast after! It was all like a fantastic theatre party and I feel very blessed to have watched with my IB Theatre class. Thanks Kate!!





Gender Euphoria was the best performance I have ever seen. Not only were the costumes and set design beautiful but the different acts were eye opening and authentic. It was extremely refreshing to see an audience that was so accepting of everything that was happening onstage too.



Gender Euphoria was a modern triumph. From the second we entered the venue we were greeted with a colourful, exciting party atmosphere. The combined efforts of bright lights, Lizzo, holographic glasses and friendly neighbours built an incredible amount of exciting anticipation; and the show did not disappoint. From trapeze and boxing, to lip syncing and stand up, the show was an explosion of colour and emotion. Filled with laughs, tears, spectacular costumes and touching insight. I won’t say too much more (no spoilers …and it’s touring again!) but it was an educational and inspiring event that everyone should experience. It was an amazing way to end our theatre excursions of the year and I know I speak for everyone in the class when I say how incredibly grateful we are to our amazing theatre teacher Kate for organising so many inspiring shows for us to attend this year.     



Gender Euphoria was spectacular with a message that everyone should hear. Gender euphoria was about saying goodbye to gender dysphoria and hello to gender euphoria - the acceptance of the gender fluid community. Each performer was able to tell a story through their piece: one guy did a monologue that brought me to tears, one girl did a fantastic dance and was able to get everyone to clap along… it as amazing. I believe that in order for any community to accept us as individuals, we need to accept ourselves and challenge what others think. I also think after seeing this show that gender is something that should not be dictated by our government or parents or anyone else, only the person whose gender is in question.
