From the Assistant Principal

Classroom Parent Reps

Parents play a valuable role in our School. Each classroom has at least one representative who volunteers to take on this very important position. Their role is to help new families settle into Preshil; they also organise social events during the year for the families in their year level and may contact parents if help is required for various events and excursions.


If you are a parent in the Sunroom (8s & 9s) and are interested in volunteering please email classroom teachers Sophie or Michael.

Parent Reps in the Kindergarten 

Kelsey Canning - Daphne

Lisa Panetta  - Xavier

Parent Reps in the Lighthouse (5s)

Michael Clarke - Hugh

Shaylin Green - Sophie

Laura Lopez Leon -  Ada

Nicola Pravato -  Emme

Parent Reps in the Lofties (6s&7s)

Kelsey Canning - Freya

Parent Rep in the Sunroom (8s&9s)

Melissa Mazzone - Jasmine

Parent Reps in the Peppercorn (10s&11s)

David Ford - Lily

Troy Wass - Hamish

Online safety

Preshil is committed to supporting the use of digital technologies in an ethical, safe, respectful and responsible way. Our school believes the teaching of safe and ethical online behaviour is best supported in partnership between home and school.  We support the rights of all people in the school community to learn in a safe and inclusive environment and this extends to their use of digital technologies and online communities and is underpinned by our school value of mutual respect.  

How do I protect my children online?


According to National Online Safety there are several ways you can help protect your child when they are using apps or devices.



1 Tell them it’s not real

Much like any other monster or fictitious character, it’s important that your child understands that characters like Momo are not  real people and cannot control them, tell them what to do or harm them.  Also, tell your child not to go openly searching for this content online as it is only going to upset them and cause them distress.


2 Be present

While it’s not always possible to be with your child 24/7, it’s important that you are close to them when they are watching videos or playing with devices so you can monitor what is going on. Also, talk with your child about how they use devices and watch for any signs of behavioural changes.


3 Talk regularly with your child

Have frequent open and honest conversations with your child about screen time and let them know that they can talk with you about anything and everything. Encourage your child to feel confident about having discussions with you about issues and concerns they have related to the online world.


4 Set parental controls on all devices

Set up parental controls for your devices at home to help restrict the types of content that your child can view, as well as help you monitor their activity.  On YouTube, turn off the ‘suggested auto-play’ on videos to stop your child from viewing content they may not have selected.


5 Talk to your child about peer pressure

Trends and challenges can be tempting for kids to take part in regardless of how scary they seem and especially if ‘everyone else is doing it.’  Talk to your child about how they don’t need to bow to peer pressure or do anything they are not comfortable with, either online or offline. If they are unsure, encourage them to talk to you or another trusted adult.


6 Do your research

As a parent it’s natural to feel worried for your children’s safety, in the online or offline world. However remember not everything you see online is true. Check the validity of the source and be mindful of what you share as it may cause unfounded worries.


7 Report and block

Flag and report any material you deem to be inappropriate or harmful as soon as you come across it. You should also block the account/content to prevent your child from seeing it.


8 Get support if necessary

Speak with educators at your child’s school if you have concerns regarding their online activity. If your child sees something distressing it is important they know who to turn to for support and guidance. They can also contact the Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800.

Grandparents & Grand friends day

We all have so many grand people in our lives! To celebrate, we welcome you to join us for Grandparents and Grand friends.  Please save the date and join us on this special morning

Tuesday 19 March 9am - 10am

We look forward to spending the morning with you all.

Family Welcome Picnic 

The family picnic will be held at the Secondary School  on

 Friday 15 March 4pm-7pm

We warmly invite all families to attend the whole school Family Welcome Picnic to be held on the front lawn of Blackhall from 4pm – 7pm on Friday 15 March. This is a great opportunity to meet other families, students and staff.  Don't forget a picnic rug or fold-up chair.

Compass - Student Absences

Our school day at Arlington starts at 9.00am, it has been wonderful seeing most students here on time, in class and ready to begin the day.


Ideally, all students should arrive at school by 8.50am to give themselves enough time to be organised for a 9.00am start. Mornings are an important time for teachers to welcome children, make connections, frame the day's learning and mark attendance.


If your child is going to be absent please enter it in advance or on the day on Compass.  To do this:

  • Log into your Compass account
  • Go to your child’s home page and click on the 'Add Attendance Note/Approval' link listed underneath your child’s name
  • This will take you to the Attendance screen, with a  pop up window to enter details of the note or approval
  • You then select the applicable date range.

If you require any assistance with compass, including log in details, please contact me.

Natalie Jensen

Assistant Principal K-12