Important Dates

Curiosity ELC Official Opening 2020!

Please note a time change for our Official Opening.  Sunday the 15th of March.


10:30 - Service at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church with children's media and song.  It would be fabulous to have as many of our Curiosity friends dressed in their uniforms on stage with us.


11:20am - Official Opening with children presenting the Acknowledgment of Country

11:30am - Tours and light lunch (gold coin donation for sausage and drinks)

1-2pm - Open House for wider community

Holiday Bookings

Please remember that your holiday booking forms must be returned to the Director before Monday the 23rd of March.  Our holiday bookings are exactly as they are during the Term with times and fees.  The only difference is that you have the option for your child to not attend.  Every effort will be made to ensure that you are able to return your form, however if it is not lodged then your child's normal booking days will be charged accordingly. 

Please note that as per our Fee's Policy, children who would normally attend on a day that falls on a Public Holiday will still be charged for that day.  

Thank you for attending to this promptly.

Learning and Living Parent Conversations

If you have not had a chance to log in and book your Living and Learning conversation with either Mrs Karen and Mrs Gliddon or Mrs Robb (in lieu of Mrs Chew) then please follow the link and code below to action a time.  Thank you.

Little Lambs Playgroup