A few friendly reminders

Library Visits

By now your child may be in the routine of bringing their Library folder on their borrowing day.  We would ask that you support your child in placing their folder in the basket in the entry on the morning that they are borrowing and to then collect it from there at the end of the day.  Thank you

LLL Banking

At our Parent Partnership Night, your child would have received an introduction pack to participate in school banking.  Our banking day is Thursday.  If your child would like to bank with the school, a basket will be placed in the Directors office for Mrs Erin Copeland to process for us and return the same day.  The LLL has announced the release of a new banking app designed specifically for banking on the go and is free to download.  Follow the link to find out more.


Fully Booked

Thank you to all our families who have been directing their questions and queries to Mrs Erin Copeland at the school office.

Just a friendly reminder that it is your duty of care to sign your child in and out of each session.  Our staff do a roll call each day at 9am to identify who is yet to arrive and to make calls to ensure that safety of each child. 


If your child is not going to attend on a particular day, we do ask that you email Mrs Gliddon or call the ELC to leave a message if we are unable to attend to your call.  Thank you


With some cooler weather over the last few weeks, we have noticed that some of our children are not wearing the correct jumper or footwear.

Our children are extremely active throughout their day so without the correct footwear your children are at risk of increased injury.  Sandals must have an enclosed toe and slip on shoes are not a safe option for your child at Curiosity.  Please ensure that sneakers are able to be put on and done up by your child and are labelled.

We would ask that you purchase the Curiosity jumper from the Uniform shop either via the Qkr app or visit the uniform shop.


Online Qkr! uniform orders  are welcome.

The uniform shop is open for business:

  • Tuesday:  8.00am - 10.30am
  • Wednesday:  12.30pm - 3.30pm
  • Friday:  1.00pm - 3.30pm

Please contact Dani our Uniform Coordinator with any questions you may have:  daniella.levy@gspv.sa.edu.au