Principal's Address

Dear Parents and Guardians,


Our recent lived experience is giving us cause for a great deal of reflection, indeed any study of history will tell us that periods of crisis and significant upheaval have always bought out both the best and worst in humans. A dear friend of mine composed the following for reflection and I invite you to spend some time with his wise words. It is from stark human experiences, values are forged. When our backs are to the wall, and we have to give up our comfortable assumptions and patterned lives, those things which are truly important to us are realised, just as other things we thought we valued fall away. 


In the values that remain, we touch, perhaps just for that time, what Christians describe as the Kingdom of God … 

the relationships with those close to us become unconditional, at the very time those we love are often isolated from us … 

our own weariness and trouble somehow creates in us a deeper awareness of the sick and disadvantaged, and so compassion and care for others are reverenced … 

those who previously played in the background of our lives unnoticed are now those we name as essential, and a deeper respect for the dignity of all is recognised … 

and we ask questions about life which take us to a higher truth as we grapple with honesty and integrity, selflessness and honour, justice and peace.


Please take a moment to reflect on the values that have come to the fore  for you in your life over the past month. How can you keep them close?  As we reflect on these things, we invite you to pray this prayer from the Brigidine Sisters.



God of peace, 

may we become peacemakers by

feeding the hungry,

welcoming the stranger,

planting kindness and 

nurturing peace wherever we are.

God of Justice,

 may we become justice makers by

sharing goodwill,

upholding the rights of all beings,

sharing our gifts and 

nurturing justice

We pray for these things with humility, 

because of the hope that is within us,

and because of our faith 

in the ultimate triumph of the good over evil.

We pray because of our love for Creation 

and because of our trust in a loving God.

 Above all, we pray for an end to violence, 

and for peace throughout the world. 





Students are to be commended for the resilience and determination they are demonstrating. For some students there are a number of factors that may influence their wellbeing; physically, emotionally or spiritually. Our wellbeing team have commenced telehealth conferencing and staff and students are finding this a great way to connect and access support. If you have concerns for your daughters wellbeing, please contact the relevant homeroom teacher or SDL to discuss different ways the College can offer support. 



Late last week VCAA released updates about changes to VCE. Of particular note are the following:

All study designs for Unit 4 have changed. Teachers are busily preparing how this impacts delivery of the curriculum for the remainder of the year. In most cases content and assessment has been reduced. Students will be informed of changes this week by their teachers

Exams will be held in December- the timetable will be released some time in May

The GAT will be held in October or November this year

Those students who apply, will receive an ATAR to allow them to apply for University entrance in 2021


Years 7 - 10

Change yourself; Change your world commenced last week. We have been absolutely thrilled with the ways in which students are engaging in innovative and creative self- directed enquiry learning. The College has asked that students use Wednesdays as a slower day- Wellbeing Wednesday is how we like to think of it. Wednesdays should be an opportunity to catch up on work, complete some passion project work, do some lengthy physical exercise like a long walk or a dance class online and engage in some mindfulness. We are asking that students don’t start new work on a Wednesday, this time is needed to catch up and rejuvenate and re-energise for the remainder of the week. 



One important tool for communication is email and we know how fortunate we are to have access to this communication. We have noticed some students have not been using appropriate protocols in their email interactions with staff. Students need to be aware that whilst staff will endeavour to answer emails as quickly as possible they can’t always do so immediately. It has also been a little disappointing to hear that students need reminding about email protocols such as using appropriate manners to say please and thank you and to address their emails correctly. We ask parents to gently remind their daughters about appropriate electronic communication.



We have noted a significant increase in laptop damage over the past few weeks. It is important that students remember to take everything off their keypad before closing their laptop lid, failure to do this causes damage to screens. If your daughter is experiencing issues with her laptop she can email or call 9547 5000.



 I wish to extend my thanks to all of the staff at the College who have done such an incredible job in responding so quickly and resourcefully to our current situation. They are working very long hours to ensure that the students of Killester are able to receive the best possible educational experience, whilst at the same time caring for their overall wellbeing. I thank them unreservedly for their dedication and commitment. 


Ms Sally Buick
