Learning and Teaching Update

'We aim to provide a school environment where ‘Every person can flourish and be known’ This means that our teaching program identifies the unique needs of each individual student, and delivers a learning program designed to grow them into the best person that they can be'.

Term 4 is Our Community and the 110 Anniversary of Noble Park

We are immersing ourselves in this big concept of Community and asking How can we have an impact on our community?


Part of our journey will be deep learning with hands on experiences, guest speakers, local history walks and looking at ways we can have an impact of our very own community of Noble Park. This will lead to our students designing their own projects and inquiring into things that matter most to them.

We will be inviting you to our Expo later in the term to share with you what we learned.

We have lots of historical artifacts in our library which we call provocations. These are helping to orient us to what life was like here 110 years ago. It is a hard concept to imagine for our little ones so we need to provide them with lots of visual and tactile experiences.


If anyone has an old school desk at home or any olden day artifacts to share we'd love to see them.

If you have a story to tell we'd love to hear it too!

Please see Patrika, Steph or Glennis if you'd like to be part of our learning.