Prep Report


Well done to ALL students and their families for their work in Term 3! We are so so proud of each of you for engaging during Remote Learning and trying your best! This term has been a great learning opportunity for each of us and we can't wait to share some of the amazing learning that has been happening in the prep classes. 




In Reading this Term, Prep students have focused on features of fiction texts and reading strategies.  We have learnt to identify the 4Ws (where, when, who, what) in the stories we are reading. We have begun to practise the reading strategies of using picture cues, getting our mouths ready, and reading with fluency. We also had fun celebrating Book Week! Congratulations to all students for the creativity and thank you for sharing your favourite stories and book characters.





In Writing this Term, Prep students have been learning about how to write recounts. During Remote Learning, we have had the opportunity to engage in a variety of experiences. We then used our knowledge of the 4Ws to write about each one, sharing "who" was involved, "when" it occurred, "what" happened, and "where" the experience took place. It has been great to see so many of you developing into more confident writers as you have shared your writing online! 





In Numeracy this Term, Prep students have engaged in the following topics: partitioning, counting to 20 and beyond, addition, length, mass, and capacity. We have explored each of these topics using hands-on materials, online platforms including websites, FlipGrid, and Mathletics, and videos. 






In Inquiry this Term, Prep students have explored the topic of "Celebrations". We have learnt about different celebrations and why they are special to people. This term we were fortunate to be a part of a few different celebrations as a school. We celebrated 100 Days of Prep, Science Week, Book Week, Eid, student birthdays, Father's Day and Sport's Day. 



  • School starts at 8:50am and finishes at 3:10pm
  • Take Home Readers (Red Folders) will go home every night and are to be returned to school every morning. Readers will be changed on a Friday and handed back out on a Monday
  • Students to bring fruit and labelled drink bottles everyday
  • Use the SENTRAL app to notify the school of any absence.

The Grade Prep Team

Chisako Hazama and Ashley Reynolds