Term 3! It surely has been a rollercoaster of a term. It started well, and here we are again in another lockdown, but how lucky we were, to squeeze in camp! The students went to 'Log Cabin Camp'. They had enormous fun participating in various indoor and outdoor activities such as, hut building, archery, zipline and much more. Those students who remained at school also engaged in fun 'camp' type activities. The students created their own campsites, they built a fire where they sat and sang songs and told stories. With all that's happened the students have done a fantastic job transitioning to online getting through the learning with their teachers. The students also had great fun during book week and the virtual dress up parade. It turned out to be a fantastic day for students and teachers. We couldn't be more proud of all our students this term. To watch camp video please copy and paste into google.
In Literacy this term, the Grade 4's immersed themselves in Historical Fiction. The students looked at various texts such as "First Fleet", "Beth the Story of a Convict Child," "Bennelong and Phillip," and "Tom Appleby Convict Boy" to name a few. They looked at the structure as well as unpacking the authors craft in developing a good story. This helped students to develop their own historical narratives using the events from the past and incorporating descriptive language to engage the reader. The students learnt how to develop characters and settings for their stories, as well as using various skills and techniques to create their piece of writing. Also the students had the opportunity to publish their work on 'Book Creator'. As students delved into different texts they were given opportunities to deepen their understanding by practising strategies such as visualising, inferring and summarising. Students participated in reading and writing conferences online and setting new goals for their learning.
Here are examples of published writing on 'Book Creator'.
In Mathematics this term, the Grade 4's focused on multiplication and division. They looked at different ways to represent multiplication equations, and practising their recall of multiplication facts up to 10, as well as deepening their understanding of related division facts. The students looked at, telling time to the nearest minute and converting between units of time. Students had opportunities to discuss their work.
This Term in Inquiry, the focus was History. The Grade 4's explored the years 1788- 1901, when convicts were transported to Australia. The students learnt about historic figures that played an important role during that time, and events and conditions that the convicts faced both in England and life in Australia in the colonies. We also looked at how this impacted Aboriginals and the changes that evolved. Students researched and presented their work on PowerPoint.
* Term 3 ends 17th of September,2021
* Term 4 begins 4th of October, 2021
* Remote Learning- Check in is at 9.30am
* Masterclasses at 11.30am
* Specialists at 2pm
It's really important that students connect with their teachers for support throughout remote learning. Also for students to be aware that teachers will be calling students for reading and writing conferences.
The Grade 4 team,
Carla Asta, Grace Rosella, Jess Baido, Amanda, Vera and Emma.