Humanities News

Year 10 Global Issues
On Monday 13 September, Hudson Gordon from the Zoe Association spoke to the Year 10 Global Issues class about child trafficking as part of our unit on Modern Slavery.
Hudson outlined how certain factors such as poverty and war make children more vulnerable to traffficking and explained how the Zoe Association works in conjunction with local authorities to rescue victims of child trafficking.
Hudson provided some eye opening information about the industries that victims of child trafficking are forced to work in and explained how our choices as consumers (such as purchasing ethically made clothing) can help to reduce the child trafficking industry. Hudson's presentation was compelling and left a lasting impression on everyone in the class.
Unit 1 & 2 Twentieth Century History Class
On 14/09/2021, Mr Bob Elworthy AM, State President of the Vietnam Veterans Association, came into the Units 1&2 Twentieth Century History class to speak to the class about his experience as an Australian soldier in the Vietnam War.
Bob gave us an Australian perspective on the Vietnam War and talked very openly about his experiences.
He told the class how the televised version of Australia involvement in the war didn't always reflect what was actually happening and that Australia and America fought different wars; that the soldiers were not the same and lived under different conditions. Bob spoke of the benefits and costs of being a part of the Australian Defence Force in the late 60s and early 70s.
Engaging with the class, answering questions, bouncing conversations back and forth with students, Bob’s presentation to our class was appreciated and gave us a new perspective on the Vietnam War.
By Stellan