English Domain News - Book Week

Book Week
This week we celebrated Book Week for 2021.
There were a range of events and opportunities on offer for both students and staff to participate in.
In classes during the week, staff and students discussed their recent reads, book recommendations and favourite series of all time.
Guess the Staff Shelfie
On Monday we kicked off the events with a competition “Guess the Staff Shelfie”.
19 members of staff provided photos of their bookshelves and students had to guess whose was whose.
There were 109 entrants! But the winners are here:
The Book I Will Always Remember
We also invited both students and staff to contribute to a virtual display Padlet of “The Book I Will Always Remember”.
In total we had 49 contributors and a wide range of passionate and heart-warming responses.
We have a huge reading community at Viewbank College!
Dress Up Day
On Tuesday it was Dress Up Day!
Again we had a tremendous response from staff!
Students enjoyed seeing their teachers dressed up for class conferences.
There were many students who also participated and they were awarded house points by their Launch teachers.
Below you can see:
- Niamh in 7F as Pippi Longstocking,
- Adonis in 7I as Tom Sawyer
- Avah in 7F as Thing #1
- Tahlia in 7D as Alice in Wonderland
What an amazing effort by our staff too!
Book Week Kahoot Quiz
In Launch, there was a Book Week Kahoot Quiz.
It was quite a challenge but lots of fun.
The winner from each Launch class was then invited to the Grand Final Kahoot on Friday. The winners were:
- 1st Place: Maya C
- 2nd Place: Scout M
- 3rd Place: Rhys W
Congratulations to all winners and finalists for being such avid readers!!
The Great Debate - Teachers v Students
On Wednesday, teachers and students alike enjoyed watching The Great Debate – Teachers vs Students.
We moved the event online this year due to our current restrictions and it was a fabulous way to spend some time together as a school community.
The topic was Movies vs Books.
Our student debaters were Jessie, Madeline and Helen of Year 10 and they expertly argued the point that Books were better than movies.
Ms Lawrence, Ms Vine and Mr Mulhall made up our teacher team who were full of praise for the cinematic genre.
There were some knock out punches from both sides, lots of laughs and witty repertoire throughout and audience participation along the way.
Our spectators cast the final vote at the end and the victory was given to a most deserved student team.
Congratulations to all our debaters and also to our wonderful online audience.
Your encouragement and participation throughout was appreciated by the teams.
I am looking forward to making this an annual event on the College calendar.
Premier’s Reading Challenge!
The Premier’s Reading Challenge finished today.
Every student who logged a book should be proud.
They contributed to the school’s total of over nine hundred books.
Twenty-three students completed the challenge—what an amazing effort!
The following students also scored individual prizes:
Class Legends Award – 7F for logging the most house points, with honourable mentions for 7I and 8I.
Royal Reader – Max P, who logged the most books of any student.
Honourable mentions for Heidi B and Katelyn M, who also logged impressive numbers.
Tough Reads Champions – Joint award for Audrey J and Emi M, with an honourable mention for Hamish F. All these students logged challenging texts.
Graphic Novel Star – Ash B, for reading an amazing number of graphic novels, with lots of variety. Honourable mentions to Cat B and Karla C, who also did a fantastic job with their graphic novel reading.
Top Reviewer – Naira K, who contributed several outstanding book reviews.
Honourable mention goes to Eki G and Yagmar G, who also wrote engaging reviews.
Holiday Reading Fun!
For any student looking for some school holiday fun be sure to click on this link and give this quiz a go! https://quiz.tryinteract.com/#/6136cdb8a2a12d00183c8401
We thank everyone for their contribution to a very successful week of Book loving!
Happy holiday reading to all staff and students in the Viewbank College Community!
Ms Feduniw & Ms Ellis