From the Middle School House Captains

Daily Positive Vibes
For the past 2 weeks, each day, students and staff from all Houses have been sharing Daily Positive Vibes.
My Day in Lockdown Life Competition
We hope you enjoy our final installment of My Day in Lockdown Life.
Masterchef Competition
The Masterchef Competition was all about having fun and getting creative in the kitchen.
A huge thank you to all who submitted entries.
Congratulations to the Week 2 Masterchef winners
Competition was fierce this week! A massive congratulations to our winners and to those that got a special mention.
Congratulations to the Week 3 Masterchef winners
This week was a tough one for the judges with over 45 entries!!!
Thanks to everyone for applying, you have all earned valuable house points for your house. The food snaps you are sharing are all amazing!!!
We even have some double up of recipes who have won.
Congratulations to the Week 4 Masterchef winners
Thank you to everyone that contributed to this competition, every entry has earned valuable house points. There were so many entries...too many to count! We hope you have had a lovely time cooking, we definitely had lots of food envy seeing them all! Thank you so very much for sharing your awesome dishes with us. We hope you enjoy the last day of the term today and have a relaxing break
Ronald McDonald House Charity Fundraiser
Step for Sick Kids - Sign Ups Now Open - 4 -10 October Week 1, Term 4
To support the wonderful work of RMHC (Ignis House Charity), our College has signed up to participate in the Step for Sick Kids fundraiser.
Step for Sick Kids is a opportunity to get moving to help future families of Ronald McDonald House Charities Victoria & Tasmania.
This challenge is designed for everyone and can be done anywhere.
You choose the pace that works for you, walk it out by yourself or with a friend while raising fund to support sick kids.
All the information you need to sign up is below:
Students and teachers of Viewbank College, THANK YOU for joining our challenge Step for Sick Kids.
Last year we had 160 amazing supporters that stepped up to the challenge and raised $52,696 which is 325 nights of accommodation for families with a seriously ill or injured child!
This year, with YOUR help, we are ready to make an even BIGGER impact.
Please note, if you are under 18, parents’ permission to sign up is needed and schools contact details and address must be used.
Viewbank College
Warren Rd Viewbank VIC 3084
ph: (03) 9458 2811
How does it Work?
- Sign up and create a profile that your friends and family can donate to. There will be a question that says ‘are you signing up on behalf of a school.’ Please select yes and enter in your name and your child’s name.
- Set a step goal for 4-10 October (first week of Term 4), we have a handy guide on site to help you get started!
- Raise 2 nights of accommodation for sick kids and their families.
How do I track my steps?
- There are a few ways you can track your steps throughout the challenge such as using a smartwatch, an app such as MapMyFitness or Strava. Then you will need to enter your steps manually via “My Dashboard” on your profile.
How do I receive donations?
- If it's your first-time fundraising, asking for donations can be daunting. But don't be scared, friends and family want to support you. You can share your profile link around, explain what you’re doing and ask! We have also put together a resource pack to help you.
Want to know more? Then check out our page for more information about how you can get involved this October! Or get in touch with our team directly.
School for Student Leadership (SSL)
School for Student Leadership (SSL) is a Victorian Department of Education and Early Childhood Development initiative offering a unique residential education experience for Year 9 students across the State for the duration of a term.
The curriculum focuses on personal development, peer skill building, community living, enterprise development, project management and development of a Community Learning Project (CLP) which students are asked to self-design a project that is important to them and that will help give back to their home community.
For 2022, Viewbank College has received five places (two boys and three girls) for students to attend the Don Valley (Haining Farm) School Campus throughout Term 1 in 2022 which is based in Don Valley, Victoria.
This is an optional and application based program that is available for our students.
The term cost is $1050 per student and is paid by parents/guardians.
Students must apply by submitting the Microsoft Form:
by Wednesday 6th October (Week 1 Term 4).
Successful applicants will be contacted by Week 3 of Term 4.
The Don Valley (Haining Farm) School Campus is a newly built SSL school and as such there is not yet a dedicated website.
For more information you can visit the following website for the Alpine School Campus, visit the facebook page for the Don Valley (Haining Farm) School Campus and review the powerpoint presentation attached below and can also be found on your child’s House MS Team, Year 8 channel.
Haining Farm Facebook page: School Campus Website:
Pictures of Don Valley Campus (where students will be going in 2022)
The SSL schools do follow and have COVID safe measures in place and in the event of a future lockdown and dependent on government restrictions, at the time and if required, students will be bussed back to our school to be sent home for a period and will resume their place at the SSL when DET guidelines permit and it is safe to do so.
If there are any questions about this opportunity or the application process please contact Ms Cottone via email or students can message their Head of House directly on MS Teams.
Reflection from Georgia – Yr 9 who attended Alpine School Campus School for Student Leadership in 2021
In Term 4 2020, six students were picked to attend the School for Student Leadership for term one and Liam and I were two of those six who were selected for the school. At Alpine School, we participated in classes to help us grow, learn new things, meet new people and overall have fun.
The community up there was great with everyone from schools around Victoria hanging out, bonding and making memories every day. The breaks between classes were great and the food up there was delicious made by the chef. There are two separate wings at each campus, one for the boys and one for the girls and you share a room with someone from another school and that’s your roommate.
Some of the activities we did included games to make us closer as a community, putting ourselves in other people shoes and doing outdoor activities like getting ready for expo. Expo is an overnight camping trip which is a hike, then you sleep in tents and cook food on trangia’s and a great bonding experience for each expo team. All of these experiences benefited us by learning new skills like being in the outdoors for long periods of time, being resilient and being away from our phones and technology for 10 weeks. Alpine School was very fun and each day was very exciting. I encourage you all to apply and give it a go. It’s a life changing experience and won I’ll never forget!
Reflection from Liam – Yr 9 who attended Alpine School Campus School for Student Leadership in 2021
I first heard about the School for Student Leadership (SSL) from my friends when they were talking about their brothers and sisters who have been. I didn’t really know what they were talking about at the time but with a quick google search, I found out what it was. Before I knew it, we had an assembly about SSL with some past students as guest speakers. The whole assembly was really engaging and the guest speakers sounded like they had an amazing time, but what interested me the most was the experiences they said they‘d never forget. Whether that being all the fun times you will have with your roommates or the lessons you learn that will help you throughout the rest of your life.
Throughout my time at the SSL I have learnt to be more confident in myself and my ideas. It helped me learn more about the world as well as meeting many new people from all backgrounds along the way. It has had a huge impact on my life and something I will most definitely not forget. The SSL helped improve my leadership skills and gave me an opportunity to use those skills every day through activities such as bridge and raft building, overnight camps, hikes and many other team building days and activities. I also became stronger mentally, physically and emotionally. The teachers taught me to view things in a different light and have inspired me to improve upon myself and not try and be someone else.
As part of the program at the SSL we had to do a Community Learning Project (CLP). My team from Viewbank all had very different ideas when deciding our CLP. There were many ideas thrown out but with some help from the Banyule Council and the Viewbank Community, we hope to design and build a pump track. This will hopefully promote more people to go outside and get some exercise. To do this we will get sponsors and funding from local bike shops and clubs, we will get council permission and find an ideal spot to build it. Then after all that, we shall build an accessible pump track for all.
This school is a once in a lifetime opportunity and I highly recommend it to the current Year 8s as you will gain self-awareness and experience new things about yourself. You will get to learn more about the world and meet a wide variety of different people who have had many different experiences. Overall, the SSL was an unbelievable experience and I met some amazing people. It taught me and my team so much and I’m so grateful for being selected to attend the school.
2022 School for Student Leadership presentation