From the Principal Class

Principal News
Dear Viewbank College Community,
I want to acknowledge the challenges that this term has brought, both for our students, families, and staff. We are all feeling the fatigue and loss of motivation that this latest lockdown has brought.
However, there is so much to be positive about.
As always, I want to thank our staff for their AMAZING efforts to maintain continuous learning, but most importantly to check in and ask our students RUOK?
The activities online to maintain connection and lift spirits have been fantastic – you can read more about these later in the newsletter.
It would be great if parents could express their appreciation for our staff with a kind message. Their care and commitment to the students has been unwavering.
Thank you to the parents and carers who have supported their students through this very difficult term and for the continuing support of staff and the College.
My message to all students has been to try and keep moving forward.
I share the quote ‘Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass; it is about learning how to dance in the rain…’ We will come through this, with a whole new level of resilience and strength and ready to face whatever the future brings.
Term 4:
We are still waiting for the State Government and the Education Department to provide advice about a return to school in Term 4.
What has been confirmed is the GAT date for students studying unit 3 & 4 will be Tuesday 5th October.
What is clear is the messaging from the Health Department and the Department of Education about the importance of students being vaccinated:
“Vaccination is not mandatory but is strongly encouraged. Getting vaccinated is the best way to protect our school community from further outbreaks and the spread of COVID-19.”
At this stage, there is no mandate for students to be vaccinated to return to school, sit the GAT or exams.
We will continue to keep all members of the community updated as we receive information from the Department of Education.
College Magazine
It is somewhat easy to forget that we spent most of semester one onsite.
There is much to celebrate, and we are currently designing the College Magazine to showcase all the events and happenings that have taken place during onsite learning and remote learning.
If you have not yet ordered your copy of the magazine, please contact Marnie in the General Office.
During remote learning, we have taken the opportunity to tidy up the grounds, replace old seating and freshen up some areas with new paint!
The College is committing to upgrading the Year 7 area with new seating areas and painting over the Christmas break, as well as introducing new signage.
I have included some photos of some of the works completed.
VCE holiday program:
There will be holiday classes and onsite practice for VCE performance subjects.
It is expected that VCE students, particularly those completing Unit 3 & 4 subjects, will complete homework and study programs over the holidays.
With exams just around the corner, it is crucial that students have a clear study plan and take advantage of opportunities provided by their teachers to engage in revision classes.
Please encourage your student to contact Senior School for support with this.
We are planning for a way to celebrate the last week of school with our Year 12 students in a COVIDSafe way.
Guidance from the Department will determine what we will be able to provide for them.
Year 12 final day will be Wednesday, October 20th.
The English exam is the first exam and will be held on Wednesday, October 27th.
Wellbeing Support for students during the school holidays
Please see the Wellbeing Support page for tips and resources for parents, carers and families to support the mental health and wellbeing of children and young people in their care during the School holidays.
A message from First Constable West - Youth Resource Officer, Banyule PSA
We have been asked to share the below in our newsletter by First Constable West, Youth Officer, Banyule PSA.
In recent weeks Police have seen an increase in young people on bicycles and congregating in big group numbers . Often the young people are not wearing helmets, and in some instances they are travelling on motorised (illegal) bicycles, which are of particular concern as they are a danger to the rider and to others nearby. The youths have been putting themselves and others at serious risk of injury by their riding actions. Some of these young people have been involved in multiple acts of deliberate vandalism and harassment of community members. Members of the public have contacted police and made complaints about the anti-social behaviour because the young people have been intimidating members of the public, including young children.
The youths are in breach of the COVID-19 directions. Police ask that parents and carers remind the children of the current COVID-19 restrictions, and ensure they are not engaging in these types of behaviour, which is having a significant negative impact on the community. Police request that parents and carers have knowledge about their children’s whereabouts, and actively dissuade their children from associating in large groups. Police will conduct increased patrols of local areas to ensure members of the public feel safe and to identify the youths involved in this behaviour. Police will be issuing infringement notices and putting children before the courts for offending. Police encourage any parents or carers to contact First Constable WEST 43225 via email of if parents or carers have information or would like advice about this matter. Likewise if you witness this behaviour we encourage you to call 000 if urgent or phone the Heidelberg Police Station to advise what you witnessed.
We wish all our students a safe holiday period and look forward to seeing everyone in Term 4.
Stay safe, stay well.
Principal Class Team
Sharon Grimes, Principal
Emma Ford, Assistant Principal
Rachael Smith, Assistant Principal
Jackson Moloney, Acting Assistant Principal