Community News

Community News
Dear parents, your young person may like something to do during the school holidays, and enter the StreetShot Arts Competition!
Entering can be as simple as snapping a pic on their phone, writing a small caption and sending it in.
For students:
StreetShot Arts Competition – Holiday Break Special!
Date for entries is extended to Friday 8 October.
Would you like the chance to enter the StreetShot Arts Competition and be in the running to win a prize?
Individual entries can win up to $350 and group entries can win up to $1000!
You can simply tag us or message us with a photo or video, & add a short message for other young people about combating viral hepatitis. You can also submit your entry using the form on our website.
You can read about viral hepatitis and liver health on our website and then enter the competition (you can also call us on our Liverline / Infoline 1800 703 003). We’re always happy to help!
You can also visit our social media pages :
Thank you and kind regards,
Kay Dufty
Health Promotion Project Officer
Office Phone: (03) 9274 9796
Mobile: 0431 376 212
Ivanhoe Library & Jobs Victoria Present
Life Hacks: Getting a job 101 workshop by BYS
As we know, securing first time employment can be challenging as young people learn the elements of building resumes and developing interviewing skills.
This workshop has been designed by Banyule Youth Services exclusively to support young people to gain meaningful employment and sorting out the all the confusing things such as language we see on job ads. Banyule Youth Services & Jobs Victoria Advocates invite young people ages 15 to 25 years to join this workshop on (insert date and time).
When is it?
Wednesday the 29th of September at 1pm until 2:30pm via zoom.
What the workshop will cover:
- Various types of employment (Full time, part time, casual)
- Tax File Number
- Tax and superannuation
- Minimum wage
- Workplace safety
Learn how to:
- Build a resume
- Write a cover letter
- Prepare for interviews
- Identify your transferrable skills
We recognise that getting a job can be a different experience for everyone. This workshop provides a general overview paired with resources and links that young people can use to home in on their specific circumstances.
Get one on one employment advocate, support and information from a Jobs Victoria Advocate
Following the workshop, a Banyule Jobs Victoria Advocate will be available to offer one on one support sessions to young people. Jobs Victoria Advocates help people with all things employment by providing advice, support and information to anyone in the Banyule community.
For more information about how a Jobs Advocates can support you, visit
How do I sign up?
To attend the Life Hacks: Getting a job 101 workshop, please text Will on 0481 455 493 with your first name, date of birth and a email address to recevie your link.