Wellbeing MATTERS!

Wellbeing MATTERS!
Dear Families,
Welcome back - again!! :))
As we now settle back into term 3 - hopefully for the whole of the remainder of the term - after the lockdown period I hope we are all able to concentrate and focus on our learning and teaching to continue to improve and achieve our best.
Our term’s focus is on Responsibility and so we will continue to explore…...
So, ‘what does it mean to teach our students and children responsibility’? One thing for sure is that responsibility needs to be taught! It is not a natural skill but it can be learned no matter our age. There are four things that can be variable in this teaching:
- The child (learning style, age, motor skills, interest, hot buttons or incentives)
- Our expectations (perfection or ever-learning, do you punish for the truth?)
- Our example (use the 4 R's - Recognize, Remorse, Restitution and Resolve to correct mistakes), and
- Consistency and follow-through (natural and logical consequences)
Outward responsibility deals with everyday things or ‘life skills’. Like brushing our teeth, doing our jobs around the house or school, returning library books on time, etc. These are habits that can help make us productive and reliable.
Inward responsibility deals with our attitudes, beliefs and values. Like admitting responsibility for our mistakes and actions, being unselfish, caring for others property, feelings and health.
So, how do we teach Responsibility? Here’s a “2-step” process:
- Teach skills till they become a habit, an automatic action. We can now perform the skill without conscious thoughts or planning. i.e. you clear your dirty dinner plate from the table or tidy your toys when you’re done with them.
- Praise the attitude, action and effort! Use natural and logical consequences to reinforce the lesson. i.e. “Thanks for picking up your toys without being asked to. Now we can all move about the room more easily”.
Make sure you make your expectations clear. Sometimes along the way we will have to jump in and help BUT don’t do it all for them! Give them opportunities to make choices and then to be accountable for their actions whether it comes out well or not. Children mostly learn from consequences. Be careful to separate the deed from the doer! Expect and accept any mistakes and help them to be a learning experience for the child/student.
For further reading go to:
Coming out of our fifth lockdown can have some cumulative and long standing effects on ourselves and our children/students. It is important to acknowledge this and actively monitor ours and their reactions.
The “Centre for Children and Young People” have put out this information titled,
Supporting Children’s Social and Emotional Wellbeing
It begins …… COVID-19 continues to shape who we can see and what we can do - at home, school, work and play. No-one really knows yet what the long-term impact, if any, will be on children (or ourselves). What is known though, is that a caring, consistent and open parent or carer, who is coping as positively as they can, is likely important. The evidence shows that this relationship helps support children’s resilience and wellbeing when they adapt to big changes, whatever they are. However, snap lockdowns can put pressure on these relationships when stuck at home together on short notice. Here are some tips ...
Click the attachment to continue to read!
There are so many great resources out there from many different expert sources. Here’s one, from ‘Generation Next’ - a podcast with Clinical Psychologist Andrew Fuller who chats with Executive Officer at Adolescent Success, Angela White - titled Adolescent Success: A Wellbeing Approach. With many families with Year 6 students going off to Secondary College next year and those of you with adolescent children I thought it may be worth a listen. If you do listen, let me know what you thought…...
Please feel free to contact me if you have any concerns or queries.
Debbie Turvey
Pastoral Wellbeing & Learning Diversity Leader
(03) 5824 1841
Stay tuned in our school newsletter for more ideas and conversations around promoting wellbeing and learning in our school community.
Have a great week, make the choice, be your best!