
Primary Years Program at GGLPS

GGLPS teaches the Australian curriculum using the Primary Years Program (PYP) of the International Baccalaureate as a framework to impart this. There are many different aspects to the Teaching and Learning program of the school and these are some of the rich learning experiences in which the students are involved.



In the coming week, the Year 6 students will begin working on Exhibition. The International Baccalaureate summarises the exhibition as:

  • The exhibition is the culminating, collaborative experience in the final year of the PYP.
  • The exhibition is an authentic process for students to explore, document, and share their understanding of an issue or opportunity of personal significance.
  • All exhibitions are student-initiated, designed, and collaborative.

Components of the Exhibition process can be seen in the diagram below. The starting point is bringing together the student’s prior learning. Over their years of schooling, they have developed an understanding of the learner profile, the elements of the PYP, and ways to inquire, learn, collaborate, assess, reflect and take action. The exhibition process allows students to demonstrate, use and discuss these aspects of the PYP. 


The exhibition culminates in a presentation of learning where the students present their understanding both as a class, in learning groups, and individually. 


During this time, the Year 5/6 classes will spend time as separate Year levels each day, and the Year 5 students will be undertaking a separate inquiry which will culminate in their Celebration of Learning.


Students will be supported in the process by the Exhibition teachers, Mrs Hughes and myself, along with mentors from our staff and community. We look forward to witnessing the learning and sharing that will occur through Exhibition and we are excited by what the Year 6s will think, share and do over this time. 


Jayne Zadow

PYP Coordinator