4/5FA - Religious Education

During the past few weeks in Religion students in 4 / 5 FA have been learning about the Sacrament of Eucharist. We have a number of students in the class who will be receiving this special Sacrament at the end of August.Please pray for Giovanni, Nevaeh, Nathan , Amelia, Henry and Giovanni. Students learnt that we have three Sacraments of Initiation which are, Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation. We discussed how receiving the Eucharist is a way of celebrating the life of Jesus and showing that we believe in his teachings.


Below are some comments from students in 4/ 5 FA who will be receiving the Eucharist.


I am looking forward to receiving the body and blood of Jesus in Mass. Giovanni


It will be a special time for me on my faith journey when I receive the Eucharist. Amelia 


I am looking forward to celebrating this special Sacrament with my family. Nevaeh