Learning and Teaching

Book Week Celebrations

Remote learning didn’t stop us from celebrating Book Week!


Each day this week, students were invited to listen to some of the stories nominated for the Children’s Book Council of Australia Book of the Year Awards. They were then able to participate in some fun and engaging activities related to the books that were read to them - everything from awesome artworks to relaxing nature walks to enthusiastic singing and dancing were enjoyed by students and staff. 


On Friday students were invited to dress up in their favourite book character or as something/someone related to this year’s Book Week theme, ‘Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds’. We loved seeing all the wonderful and creative costumes of some familiar and not so familiar characters! 


We finished the celebrations with a Spelling Bee on Friday afternoon. Students from years 5 & 6 participated in their house teams and worked together to unjumble words, create the longest words they possibly could from given letters and spell some very tricky words. Congratulations to Red team who took out the title of 2021 Spelling Champions!


Some of our superstar families even worked together to create amazing Book Week banners! 


A very big thank you to all our wonderful families for taking such an interest in your child’s learning and supporting our teachers. 


Simone Crist

Literacy Leader