News from 4/5

Welcome to 2023

The 4/5 class has had a wonderful and settled start to the school year! They have been involved in getting to know their new class and teacher and helping to set expectations and decide how we will create and maintain a positive learning environment for the year. 


The grade 5's have had a few lunches and craft activities with their Foundation buddies and the grade 4's have enjoyed playing getting-to-know-you games and got stuck into writing some creative stories.  


Here are some snapshots of some moments of the first week back. 

During Term 1 the 4/5’s specialist/extracurricular activities and teacher timetable will look something like this:


Monday - Performing Arts 

Tuesday - Japanese 

Wednesday - *Library borrowing 

Thursday- Art/STEAM and lunch orders are due

Friday - PE ( children to please wear sports uniform) and lunch order day

*Library may not occur every week, depending on the time constraints of the day.