College Counsellor

Mrs Leanne Miller

‘Safer Internet Day’ - Tuesday 7 February 

The theme for 2023 is Connect, Reflect, Protect. Michelle Rowland, Australia’s Minister for Communications,  promotes eSafety here:

Technology has evolved dramatically in the past two decades and the benefits have been huge. These developments have also exposed us to many risks with real-world impacts, making online safety awareness even more important. The eSafety Commissioner website has important information, and free webinars, to raise awareness and equip parents and caregivers of the resources available, to help promote online safety at home, school, work or in the community.


Connect safely and with purpose – by keeping apps and devices secure and using social media in positive ways.

Reflect before we act – by taking a moment to consider how what we do and say online may affect others.

Protect ourselves and others by taking action. To register for webinars.


Parent resources | eSafety Commissioner For videos, fact sheets, conversation starters, managing online issues, audio files, activities, family tech agreements and more.