Mambourin Campus Coordinator

Ms Lara Ronalds

We are so proud of our curious and happy Mambourin students!


The Mambourin Campus opened on the first day of term and we are excited about creating our new community. Our two Prep and Year 1 classes have settled into their new classrooms, and they are learning the routines of their classes and getting to know our section of the school. Our new children have all started learning German, have played instruments, have learned new songs, met their new Art teachers and they have begun learning how their bodies move and how they can interact in group games in PE. This week we have begun Christian Studies and the children are going to the Library to explore books and to develop their appreciation of stories. We are developing a sense of belonging and connection within and across the classes. The children have begun developing key communication and social skills as we learn more about the traits of the Learner Profile and how we can learn together.


We welcome our new cohort of families and value their support and engagement. It has been an exciting start to the year!