Head of Senior Years

Ms Joanne Wegener

What a lovely start it has been to the Senior Years (SY) over the last two weeks! As a newcomer to Good News, it has been wonderful to meet as a sub-school and gather in a unified manner.


I’m delighted to be joining the Good News team this year, having moved from South Australia in the last month. For the last fifteen years I have worked in another Lutheran college in Adelaide where I have had extensive experience with SY students in both academic and pastoral matters.


I can already see that Good News is a caring and kind community. I have been impressed by the way the  students have welcomed me, as Head of Senor Years and as a Christian Studies teachers.


I am looking forward to working closely with students and staff throughout this coming year. I’m particularly fortunate to be working with the School Captains and Vice-Captains who share a little of themselves below. One of the things I love most, is watching students grow and develop into responsible young adults, ready to take on the world. Our task as teachers and parents/caregivers, is to be there to support our young people in their journey into adulthood, both through encouragement and guidance. While we often ask, “what do you want to do when you leave school”, a question I ask students is “who do you want to be as a person”. This is where encouragement and guidance are very important, setting them on a straight path.


I look forward to working with and meeting many of you throughout the course of the year. In the meantime, may you find many blessings as the year unfolds.

Introducing the 2023 School Captains

Indiana B

My favourite subjects at school are Theatre Studies and Philosophy. In my spare time, I enjoy Ancient History and Costume Making. This year as School Captain, I aim to create more community engagement throughout the year through fun events such as sports competitions, dress-up days/theme days, and lunchtime/after-school activities. I am also excited to create more engagement between the Year 12 cohort and the Preps to welcome newcomers and farewell our leaders.


Santiago OS

I am someone who likes to explore new ideas and new interests and seek new opportunities for myself. Outside of school I do a martial art called Muay Thai where I compete against others. My current favourite subject in school is Legal Studies because it fascinates me and educates me about our legal system. As captain, I aspire to grow the school community and get people to achieve the best results they can.

Introducing the 2023 Vice-Captains

Sanjana N 

My favourite subject at school is definitely Visual Art and my favourite hobby outside of school, drawing and creating art! I’ve come to learn that “leaders will be those who empower others” (Bill Gates) and help them see how “[their] voice can change the world” (Barack Obama). This year, I promise I’ll always be here to help amplify student voice so that, together, we can make 2023 the year best ever - one filled with love, kindness and of course lots of fun! 


Faith K

It is an honour to help serve the school through my platform as Vice-Captain. I have been at Good News since I was in Prep and have had the dream to become Captain since Year 6. It’s been so surreal to see the school grow and develop through buildings and other school activities. Since growing up in the Good News Community I’ve come to love different aspects in the school. My favourite subjects include Psychology and Legal Studies as they are interesting topics to learn and ones that I am looking forward to doing after high school. Between school and my part time job at Bakers Delight, my favourite down time is working on my book which I am writing as well as composing and playing my own music and songs. I believe that more prosperous moments and memories await us in 2023 and I am very excited for the activities and ideas that our student leadership team has in mind.


Ishan D

I am pleased to be part of our wonderful student leadership team of 2023! I love chess, and if anyone wants to play, I would be more than happy. My favourite subject is Physics because I’m always fascinated by the relationship of numbers with the real world. I also enjoy swimming and running in my spare time. I hope that this year will be as fulfilling as possible. As a leadership team we will do everything we can to make this happen.