From the Acting Principal's Desk

Together we learn, lead and achieve.
Montmorency South Primary School acknowledges the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation as the Traditional Owners of the land on which we work, learn and play. We pay respect to Wurundjeri elders past, present and future and extend our respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and families of Montmorency South Primary School.
Dear Monty South Community,
As we head into the final busy weeks of school, it is worth reflecting on the year at Monty South. It’s been quite a year! We had our first full year of onsite schooling in three years and have been grateful for the way in which our school community have maintained focus on what is best for our students.
- Our new playground outside Prep classrooms was completed
- We received two shade sail grants, with one already installed and one still to come
- Tournament of Minds teams competed with one going on to State Finals
- Our junior school presented two fabulous stage performance of Beyond the Beanstalk
- Author visits engaged students across the school
- The garden program enjoyed an invigorating change to embed more science curriculum
- We hosted and led Koorie Catch Ups with families from other local schools
- A successful Country and Culture Day was delivered
- School leaders proudly represented the school at a variety of events including ANZAC day ceremony
- Vocal ensemble performed a moving song at Remembrance Day service
- Monty South athletes triumphed at district events in cross country, athletics and swimming
- We launched our MSPS Instructional Model
- Lunchtime clubs were hosted by staff and student school leaders
- All the events were back; excursions, camps, Hoop time, Carols Night, Mother’s & Father’s Day stalls etc.
- Our dedicated P&F provided many community events and opportunities for fundraising
- Our wonderful leader, Leanne, bid farewell and retired
This is far from an exhaustive list of things worth reflecting on at Monty South over 2022! We’d like to thank everyone for their contributions and commitment to making our school and community such an amazing place to learn, lead and achieve together.
Don’t forget our final Step Up transition session will occur tomorrow and it will go for the whole day.
We wish you a very happy festive season, a fun and safe summer break and a healthy and happy 2023. See you on Tuesday 31st of January.
Robyn Hamilton and her partner Will welcomed baby Edward “Teddy” Christopher Hamilton into the world on Friday 2nd December 2022. We wish Teddy a wonderful, health and happy life. Congratulations Robyn and Will.
New Principal and staff appointed
As you will know from our communication earlier this week, Marcus Walsh our School Council President announced the news that we have been successful in the provisional appointment of Keyla Jeffers as substantive principal commencing Term 1, 2023. Keyla is an experienced educator who has been a Principal in primary schools in Western Australia since 2011. She is a leader in the local network of schools, and a mentor to new leaders. The School Council is convinced that she will make an outstanding contribution to building the success of Montmorency South Primary School into the future. After the provisional appointment period of 14 days and, pending the Merit Protection Board review process Marcus will pass on an introduction to the school staff and community from Keyla.
We have appointed new teachers for 2023 and are delighted to introduce Lucy Miller (Mon-Wed) and Erin Rodgers (Thurs & Fri) to the staff. They will co-teach a year 4 class. Lucy and Erin have worked at the same school as each for many years and have worked as part of team teaching partnerships. They are both highly passionate teachers who strive to achieve the best results for students, and as community minded people, thrive on working in collaborative teams. They are looking forward to working with staff, students and families at Monty South.
We warmly welcome our new staff to Monty South. Thank you to the school community for your patience and understanding while waiting for us to find the right people to join our staff.
Final day of school, assembly & dismissal time
Our final school assembly will be held at 9.15am on Monday 19th Dec. As always, parents are welcome to attend. At this assembly we will announce our 2023 Student Leaders, farewell our Year 6 students and our Local member Vicki Ward will join us to present two significant awards the David McKenzie Award given in recognition of a commitment to social justice, care for fellow students and exemplary leadership skills and the Judith Ireland Award, given in recognition of academic application, social responsibility and community participation. Vicki will also present the Victorian Premier’s Reading Challenge badges to students who have demonstrated a commitment to reading.
Student Reports
Semester Two school reports will be made available to parents/ carers on Compass at 9am Thursday 15th December.
Year 6 student Compass data - download by 4pm Monday 19th December
Year 6 student data on Compass will no longer be accessible after Monday 19th December. Parents/carers wishing to download school reports or other data from Compass must do so by this date.
Student Seesaw data - Each student’s Seesaw account is closed at the end of each year to enable them to have a fresh account next year. On 13th January, 2023 all student work will be archived, which will mean that you will be unable to view any tasks from 2022. We will send instructions in the coming week via a Compass newsfeed for downloading this data.
Student unexplained absences – As we are almost at the end the school year, we ask parents/carers to finalise any unexplained absences for your children. Please look at Compass, review each child’s absences and update with a reason.
End of year medication collection – If you wish to collect your child’s medication, or your child is leaving Monty South at the end of this year please arrange collection from the office. Our school nurse, Victoria will send all Yr 6 parents a message asking for consent to send any medications home with students. If you don’t consent parents will need to collect from the office. If any other parents wish to take home medications, please email and collect from the office on Monday 19th. Any medication that is taken at the end of the year, will need to be brought back to school on the first day of your child’s return to school next year.
Library Books - return of all book loans
The library is now closed for the year. All student book loans need to be returned to school asap. Any loans outstanding next year will mean your child will be unable to borrow books until loans are returned. If you have any questions you can email Clare at
Christmas Carols
For the first time in three years, we were thrilled to be able to hold our Christmas Carol night this week and to see so many of our families come along. It was unfortunate the rain did not hold off for just a little longer so that we could finalise all the performances planned. We were lucky enough to get all the class performances completed before rain forced us to pack up. Thank you to all the students for putting on an amazing show and to our incredibly talented Performing Arts Team, Jude, Andy and Emily for creating an event to remember for families. Thanks also to our staff for being there on the night and supporting our students. Thanks to our supportive school community and to Light and Sound Co. and Hayley Austin Piano tuition. Jude, Andy and Emily wish to pass on their own thanks to our leadership team of Naomi and Monique.
Lost Property table at office
From today, Monday 12th Dec to the end of term, a table will be set up in the foyer of the office with all lost property. Lost items from the Prep to Year 2 swimming program are included. Any items not collected will be donated or disposed of.
Student Leadership
Our Year 5 students will soon be notified of the 2023 Student Leadership positions. We wish to thank and congratulate each student who put themselves forward for consideration of a student leadership position for 2023. It was really encouraging to see so many aspiring leaders show courage, commitment and integrity when presenting to peers and teachers. Next year, we are making a change by dropping Vice Captain roles and instead selecting four School Captains. This decision has been based on the limited difference between the roles and responsibilities of both. 2023 Student Leaders will be announced to the school community at the final assembly of the year, Monday 19th December at 9.15am.
New Bike Hoops thanks to Banyule City Council
Banyule City Council has granted us approximately $5000 to install 3 banks of 6 bike racks around the school in three locations. The bike racks, funded under the Sustainable Transport Grant are greatly needed around the school. We thank Banyule Council for their funding and look forward to more students being able to ride their bikes to school next year, and safely and securely store them during the day.
School Council Update - Financial Assistance for Families
We encourage families experiencing financial hardship to contact us should they require assistance with school related costs. We are able to offer a range of support options such as payment plans, school uniform assistance, and help to find and access available subsidies. Families are welcome to contact our Business Manager, Paula Hogan with any concerns you may have about school payments.
One option for financial support is the Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) which provides a $125 payment for eligible students to attend activities like excursions and incursions, school camps, swimming and school-organised sport programs. Information can be found on our website at Applications can be made up until the end of Term 2 by completing a CSEF application form and returning by email to, or dropping the completed form into the Office. Late applications cannot be submitted.
Parents’ & Friends’ Committee Activities
Raffle thanks - Thank you to all who donated items and gold coins for the Christmas Hamper raffle. 25 hampers were created from your generous donations and we had 25 lucky winners who have collected their hampers last week. All winners were notified by email. Congratulations to you all.
Colour Fun Run – Monday 19th December, 12.30pm to 2pm – A Compass Event has been created for all students. A participation fee of $5 per student is required via Compass together with your online consent by this Thursday, 15th Dec. Students not participating or who do not have consent, will be provided with classroom activities. The Compass Event provides information on recommended clothing for the day as well as what to expect for those who have not participated before in this fun last-day-of-school activity.
2023 School fete – Sunday 19th March – Save the date
P&F are excited to be preparing for our School Fete next year in conjunction with our fete partner Panorama Heights Preschool. We would like to thank NE Link Community Fund for granting approximately $15,000 funding to support many free activities on the day. P&F will be seeking parent volunteers early in Term 1 to assist with the many tasks required to make this event a success. Stay up to date with their activities via Facebook @MSPSParentsandFriends.
Naomi Ivers
Acting Principal
‘Montmorency South is an inclusive learning community where students are inspired to be respectful, creative, curious and independent learners.’
Our Belief:
We believe that every person in our Montmorency South school community has the capacity to assist each student in attaining our vision.
Motto - Together we learn, lead and achieve