Principal's Report

The Greatest Show – Year 3 & 4 Performance
What an aptly named Year 3 and 4 concert! On Thursday we were treated to a wonderful night with our performers taking to the stage with distinction. This was the first time that our Year 3 students had the chance to take part in a school concert, and the first time for Year 4 since they were in Year 1. And didn’t they all do a fantastic job at putting their circus skills into action?
It is always a good sign when you don’t know who had more fun – the audience or the performers? The gasps, the oohs, the aahs, the cheers, the clapping and the laughter was enough to tell us how well the evening went. The Year 4 performance even started with some audience participation and freestyle dancing!
This concert is different from the others. Using fundraising money, we invited professional performing artists from the circus world to teach students skills including Devil Sticks, Diablos and Hoola Hoops. The result was a cascade of colour and a room full of energy as the students put their news skills to the test.
Thank you to everyone who attended and made it a night to remember. Thank you to the teachers for their support, and a special mention to our Performing Arts teacher, Olivia, for coordinating.
It is worth noting that the school has put on five school concerts this year. That is really quite an achievement, and is another example of the richness of our specialist programs.
Below are pictures from the Year 3 performance of The Greatest Show.
2023 Student Leaders
As mentioned in the last newsletter, our Year 5 students had been writing and rehearsing their speeches in preparation for the selection of 2023 Student Leaders. The students have now presented their speeches to the Year 4 and 5 students, and the votes have been counted. There were approximately 50 students who nominated for a leadership role, and I was most impressed by the support and congratulations that students showed towards their peers who were successful in being elected for a role.
Community Leaders | Specialist Leaders |
We will introduce our new leaders to the FPS community at our Welcome Assembly, scheduled for Friday 3 February 2023!
Junior Sports Day
One of our most eagerly awaited events for our junior students is our Sports Day. Last Friday the Foundation - Year 2 students spent the first part of the morning participating in sporting activities planned by the Year 6 students. After recess, it was time to run and race. It was great to see the way that the students supported and cheered for each other, including during the parent race. Thanks to Geoff, our PE teacher, for coordinating.
Election Day Sizzle Success
With the election happening just two weeks after Art4All, we were mindful of asking once again for parent volunteers. Thank you to the parents who cooked and served at the sausage sizzle, feeding our visiting voters. With the sausages being kindly donated by Aldi, we made a profit of $2,275, which will be used to purchase additional home readers.
Many thanks to the following for wielding the tongs and selling the sausages.
Deborah Amott Leon Clarke Emily Creese Bruno Fetiveau Alex Folie Belinda Hillard Gerard Kelly | Kristian Kempen Millie Lacey Rose McCrohan Billie Murphy Michael Pascoe Brett Porter Jenny Rahman | Carolyn Ridley Michelle Schwensen Fiona Smeaton Patricia Stanton Ian ten Seldam Andrew Vance Charlie Watson |
End of Year Picnic – Thursday 8 December
On Thursday we will be hosting our end of year picnic. It will be a bit different this year, as we have a parent DJ who will be playing some tunes. We will also provide a free sausage sizzle to say thank you to everyone for your support of the school over the last twelve months. We require a few volunteers to help run the sausage sizzle – please sign up!
Please note that at the previous picnic we received reports of antisocial behaviour. We politely ask that you consume alcohol moderately, and remember that children are under the care of their parents/carers. We also remind everyone that bikes and scooters are to be parked and not ridden during the picnic.
Year 6 Graduation – Monday 19 December
Another big date in the calendar is Year 6 Graduation. I look forward to celebrating with our students next Monday night, on what is sure to be an evening to remember.
2023 Staffing Changes
We can now confirm the staffing for 2023.
Leadership Structure
We have a predicted enrolment of 551 for next year, and as a result of this increase, we will be increasing our leadership team. The school currently operates a leadership structure with a Principal, Assistant Principal and two Learning Specialists (where the role is focused on teaching and learning). Next year Nicole Rettke will be employed in the role of Leading Teacher, which will provide greater support to the management of learning and wellbeing across the school.
Au Revoir (For Now)
Prue Middleton will be taking 12 months leave next year, taking up an exciting teaching opportunity in Bali.
Jayde Brownhill will also be taking 12 months leave next year, taking the opportunity to have a reset and explore different avenues.
Welcome to FPS
Sarah Collard, Binh Hoang and Anneliese Staubli are joining FPS next year. Sarah and Anneliese are classroom teachers, and Binh will be our new Literacy Learning Specialist, which she will combine with a classroom teacher role.
Welcome Back to FPS
We will be welcoming back Jourdan Murray and Ginger Moyle from family leave. Jourdan and Ginger will run the Tutor Program next year.
Changing Days
Cathy Turner and Daniel Arnavas are reducing their time (both for family reasons) to four days a week. Cathy’s role will be split between leading the implementation of the Mental Health Initiative (information to follow next year) and providing classroom support in Year 2.
Daniel has decided to relinquish his Numeracy Learning Specialist role. Sophie Ratcliffe was successfully appointed as our new Numeracy Learning Specialist.
Jessica Greenway is reducing to one day a week to allow her to focus on her study.
Stephanie Volkov will be taking leave from early term two. She will be providing classroom support in Year 4 in term one of next year.
Staffing Allocations for 2023
- Principal: Paul Wallace
- Assistant Principal: Sarah Abbott
- Leading Teacher: Nicole Rettke
- Literacy Learning Specialist: Binh Hoang
- Numeracy Learning Specialist: Sophie Ratcliffe
Foundation (4 classes) Classrooms are located around the Old Hall.
- Foundation A: Zoe Jellie
- Foundation B: Tom Edwards
- Foundation C: Kelly McKeown
- Foundation D: Grace Clark
Year 1 (4 classes) Classrooms are in the double-storey building by Langridge Street.
- 1A: Aaron Chaston
- 1B: Anne Killick
- 1C: Emilia McDonald
- 1D: Binh Hoang (4 days) & Olivia Li (1 day)
Year 2 (4 classes) Classrooms are located in the single-storey portables.
- 2A: Mariah Moshis
- 2B: Caitie Flanagan
- 2C: Sarah Collard
- 2D: Sophie Ratcliffe (3 days) & Nicole Rettke (2 days)
Year 3 (3 classes) One class is located in a ground floor room of the Fairfield Road Building. The other two rooms are in the administration wing, between the school office and library.
- 3A: Michele Fraser
- 3B: Monique Crow
- 3C: Brendan Nick
Year 4 (3 classes) Classrooms are located first/top floor of the Fairfield Road Building.
- 4A: Chiara Vaiani Minchinton
- 4B: Jade O’Grady
- 4C: Elise Dowell
Year 5 (3 classes) Classrooms are located on the ground floor of the Wingrove Street Campus.
- 5A: Naomi Reynolds (3 days) & Faye Soderstrom (2 days)
- 5B: Lauren McConnell
- 5C: Anna Moore
Year 6 (3 classes) Classrooms are located on the first/top floor of the Wingrove Street Campus.
- 6A: Serena Maynard
- 6B: Daniel Arnavas (4 Days) & Jess Greenway (1 day)
- 6C: Annaleise Staubli
Specialist Programs and Teachers
- French: Emily Lindsay-Smith
- Physical Education: Geoff McShane
- Performing Arts: Keri Spence (Foundation – Year 2) & Olivia Li (Years 3 – 6)
- Visual Arts: Marjie Tkatchenko
Additional Programs
- Literacy Support: Rebecca Creswick
- Mental Health Initiative + Classroom Support: Cathy Turner
- Classroom Support: Stephanie Benwell (term one)
- Tutor Program: Jourdan Murray (2 days) & Ginger Moyle (3 days)
- Librarian: Paula Stafford
Integration Aides
- Elly Armagos
- Zoe Naylor
- Kathy Szaters
- Business Manager: Jane O’Riley
- HR & Facilities: Elena Paladino
- Communication: Sarah Moody
- Administration Support: Leisa Chambeyron
- Maintenance: Graham Keen
- IT: Arthur Ho
- Kaye Hose
- Dianna Prior
- Carolyn Ridley
- Nadine Rossi-Bisinella
Meet Your Teacher Sessions
Our Foundation 2023 students will have their Meet Your Teacher session on Friday 9 December, from 9:30 – 10:30am.
Our current Foundation – Year 5 students will find out on Friday 16 December their classroom, teacher, and classmates for next year. Their Meet Your Teacher session is scheduled from 9:30 – 10:30am.
Thank You Jenny
There has been lots of mention in recent newsletters about our appreciation for parent volunteers, particularly considering recent school events. I would like to take a moment to acknowledge one of our departing parents who has volunteered for the school for many years in a slightly different capacity.
Jenny Walter has very kindly given up lots of her time to regularly sort through, organise, display, and sometimes wash our second hand uniform items. Our second hand uniform is incredibly well stocked and organised thanks to Jenny taking on this role throughout the years. Thank you, Jenny.
With Jenny (and William) leaving FPS at the end of this year, it would be fantastic if we had another person willing to take on this role next year. Let the office know if you can help.
End of Year Assembly – Tuesday 20 December
This is our last newsletter of the term, and we ask that you make a note in your diary for our End of Year Assembly on Tuesday 20 December at 9am.
Join us at the Fig Tree Courtyard. This is a special assembly as we farewell our Year 6 students and celebrate the fantastic achievements of the last 12 months.
We will be in touch with one final communication before the end of the year. I hope that your children enjoy the exciting events and excursions over the next couple of weeks, during one of the most exciting times of the year.
~ Paul Wallace, Principal