School Notifications 

Important School Notifications

Operoo is our main platform for school communication which includes school wide notices, newsletters and parent/ teacher interviews etc. It is where you record your child’s medical, personal details and your contact details.  YOU need to update Operoo with your child’s current medical information each year. This is used in particular for you to grant permission for camps, sports days and excursions. Paperless permission for attendance on excursions, camps, events etc are given by you via Operoo. You will be asked to respond to the request. 

Seesaw - the virtual learning space. It will be used by classroom teachers to communicate classroom information, class news, class messages and learning. It is also a digital portfolio which will enable you to connect with your child’s learning and see what is happening in your child’s classroom. 


A reminder that all children are to wear the correct school uniform including school hat and black school shoes on all days except when they have PE or classroom sport. Classroom teachers will inform you of the days when sport and PE occur.

Sibling enrolments for 2024

I would ask that parents who have a child commencing Prep in 2024 to please enrol their child by the end of February so we can determine how many places will be available to new families for 2024. Enrolment forms can completed online via enrolments on our website or collected from the school office.


Assembly is held at 9:00am on Friday mornings and will be held in the hall. Parents are welcome to attend.

At assembly each year level will share their learning. Class awards and birthdays will be celebrated at each assembly. And our school leaders will provide updates on initiatives they have organised for the school community.

Listed is the schedule:   

Feb 17 – 3/4 , Feb 24 – 1/2, 3 March – 5/6, March 10 – Prep, March 31 Easter liturgy