Principal's Message

Linda Buckeridge: Principal

Linda Buckeridge - Principal
Linda Buckeridge - Principal



Hello Hillsmeade families!


I cannot believe this is the last newsletter for 2022! What an incredible year it has been for everyone. Not only was it the first entire year at school since 2019, but it was also the first year for so many staff and 5/7 of the leadership team! It was also my first year as a Principal and wow it has been awesome!!

We have achieved so much throughout the year but the biggest achievement of all has been our amazing students being at school almost everyday and getting back into a routine and understanding school expectations again. A huge thank you to our HPS families for all of your support, kindness and understanding as we navigated our way through this year. I'm already looking forward to a fabulous 2023!! 


THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! We raised over $30,000 for our school to improve facilities including air conditioners in classrooms. But not only that, the Colour Run day itself was PHENOMENAL. I'd like to quote a prep student who spoke to me today "Miss Buckeridge! Guess what? Friday at the Colour Run was the best day EVER!!"

Thanks Patrick, I couldn't have said it better myself! Although covered in an enormous amount of slimey gloop for about 2 hours, I also had the best day ever! The smiles on the children's faces and their enthusiasm to cover me in slime was brilliant. Yes it was a fundraiser, but more so it was an event that brought us altogether to just laugh, have fun and get messy!

An enormous thank you to Mr Paul Hill who organised the entire event after I threw the initial idea at him. There was a lot of behind the scenes work and without his dedication, it would not have been as successful as it was. Students should receive their prizes next week - very well deserved!

I am already very keen for next year, however we will likely run the event in Term 3 instead.

Thanks again HPS community for all your fundraising support!!


We welcome to the Hillsmeade family for 2023 the following staff members:

Teaching Staff

Samantha Bond

Jacqueline Sharp

Jazmyn Worrell

Danielle Christophis

Jemma Dunstan


Education Support Staff

Nicole Walter

Lachlan Monagle

Ethan Hope

Victoria Burke

Katie Barnett

Madison Scully

Some of these staff you may have already seen around the school, but we officially welcome them in a more ongoing capacity as of next year!

Please refer to the 'Welcome!' page in this newsletter for photos!


Wednesday 14th December is HPS Step Up Day for 2023 classes. Your child will spend time with their new teacher and class in the morning session and bring home details for families, ready for the start of 2023. It will be an exciting day!!


The final camp for 2022 is upon us and I am looking forward to heading along to Camp Manyung with our Year 2 students next week for a one night sleepover experience. Thanks in advance to our staff for giving up time with their families, particularly at this time of the year, to accompany our students on this adventure. Wishing all campers happy and safe travels!


I'd just like to publicly acknowledge the work of our School Council for 2022. The following members have been instrumental in supporting the vision for Hillsmeade PS in 2022 and assisting in representing the school community in decision making processes. I'd like you to join me in thanking them for volunteering to give up their time to ensure the smooth running of our school.

Megan Shields - President

Lisa Holmes - Vice President

Kellie Suhr - Treasurer

Paul Hill

Stewart Johnson

Carmen Collins

Carmen Powell

Maree Mahaffy

Tamara Haw

Allison Bencsics


It has also come time for Megan Shields to leave Hillsmeade PS with her last child graduating this year. Megan has been on the school council since 2017 and President for the last 2 years, and I felt very fortunate to commence my position at Hillsmeade with her support and understanding, as we navigated through this year. We are so grateful to you Megan for being such a significant part of the school community and leading our councillors for so many years. You will be greatly missed and we wish you and your family all the best as you leave our school to tackle all things secondary and beyond!


Reminders from last newsletter:


As this will be our last formal day of classes, this will be a free dress day! Students are welcome to wear their most fabulous Christmas attire, ready to perform in the Extravaganza! We ask that clothing is Sunsmart and students please wear their school hats at all times outside. Sunscreen should be applied at home and provided by families for re-application during the day.

Students will bring home all items from school on this day as Monday 19th December will be an alternate plan day.


9.00 -10.45am

Friday 16th December

Just a reminder we will be holding our last whole school event on Friday 16/12 - the End of Year Extravaganza. Please come along for the morning and watch the year level Christmas song performances, say good bye to our Year 6s and departing staff, whilst enjoying a relaxing morning in (hopefully) the sun.

As students will be outside for approx 1.5-2 hours, we ask that families apply sunscreen before school. Students will be sitting on the ampitheatre/synthetic oval and surrounds. Hats will be worn and we ask families to consider the Christmas attire/free dress clothing that students are sent to school in. There is no shade on the oval where we are sitting, hence moving the event to the morning.

See you all there!


The SRC have commenced their drive for non-perishable food items. They are asking families to donate non-perishable food items that will then be donated to the Salvation Army - Hamper of Hope. We thank you in advance for your generous donations.


Have you bought your tickets yet?! The draw will take place at the End of Year Extravaganza on Friday 16th December.


Please note that the canteen's last day of trading this year is Friday 16th December.


If your child is attending on Monday 19th December, please note, as previously mentioned, there will be an altered timetable for the day. In conjunction, the day will also finish at 2.30pm. OSHC will start at 2.30pm. 


Tuesday 20th December is a Curriculum Day, OSHC is not available.


As we move into the "big break" and Christmas holiday period, I wish you all a most relaxing and rejuvenating time together with family and friends. Thank you for supporting us throughout 2022 and in particular in my first full year as Principal of Hillsmeade.


We will see you for Day 1 Years 1-6 on Monday 30th January and for Preps - Thursday 2nd February.

Until then stay safe and stay well!