
Important Information for Families

First day back for 2023

Year 1-6MONDAY 30th JANUARY 


End of Year Extravaganza!

FRIDAY 16th DEC 9:00am-10:45am

Please BYO chair! Synthetic Oval/ Amphitheatre. See upcoming page for details.

Year 1-6 2023 HPS STEP UP DAY

WEDNESDAY 14th DECEMBER  9.15–10.45am 

Students will meet and greet their new class teacher and class mates so they can enter into the holiday period prepared for Day One in 2023. 

Statewide Transition Day


2023 Prep students and students moving from Year 6-7 

 9:00-11:30am PREPS

All day-Year 6-7 at new School

Book Packs

Book Packs for 2023 

Orders needed to be received on or before Saturday December 3 in order to be delivered in time for start of school in 2023.

You can still order through the website but will be charged a $5 late fee and can not be guaranteed first day of school delivery

Note that you do not have to order through the website, but all students must bring their own book packs in 2023. You are free to choose the online ordering website or to source the same materials yourself.

Christmas raffle 

There are extra ticket sheets at the office if you would like more. Tickets are $2 each and need to be returned with payment by Wednesday 14th December.  The raffle will be drawn on Friday 16th December at our EXTRAVAGANZA!


As this will be our last formal day of classes, this will be a free dress day! Students are welcome to wear their most fabulous Christmas attire, ready to perform in the Extravaganza! We ask that clothing is Sunsmart and students please wear their school hats at all times outside.

Sunscreen should be applied at home and provided by families for re-application during the day.


Students will bring home all items from school on this day as Monday 19th December will be an alternate plan day.

Arriving Late - Late Pass Essential

If your child arrives at School after 8:50am please ensure they come to the office for a late pass. Please do not send them straight to their classroom. Thank you!

Collecting Your Child Early

Please collect before or after Recess & Lunch time as it is very hard to call a child up to the office over the noise of the playground. 

If you need to collect your child early for an appointment, please come to the office to sign them out. Due to our Child Safe practice, we are unable to have students waiting in the office, so

please allow time for us to call them up to the office after you have arrived.



Curriculum Day

School council has approved the following Curriculum Day.

Students will not be required to attend school on this day.

-Tuesday 20 December

ASSEMBLY -Friday 9th

Friday 9th Dec  is our next assembly for our community to attend. 

*This will be our last formal assembly for the year.

Assemblies commence at 2.30pm, so please arrive around 2.15pm and find a place to sit at the rear of the gym.


We are currently looking for instrumental teachers for 2023. We need both guitar and drum teachers. If you are interested in this opportunity or know someone who may be, please email the school with attention to Lisa Scott or contact Lisa Scott directly to place your expression of interest. We have many interested families, we just need the teachers!