Prep Update

Miss Hope, Mrs Dorman, Ms Rhimes, Mrs Bartlett, Mrs Lloyd

Upcoming Learning

Alexandra HOPE - Prep A
Rachell DORMAN - Prep B
Sarah RHIMES - Prep C
Naomi BARTLETT - Prep D
Natasha LLOYD - Prep E
Alexandra HOPE - Prep A
Rachell DORMAN - Prep B
Sarah RHIMES - Prep C
Naomi BARTLETT - Prep D
Natasha LLOYD - Prep E

During the final week students will be undertaking learning in following areas:

ReadingWe are looking at Christmas Stories
Writing We are consolidating our writing  skills through the lens of Christmas
MathsWe are learning number recognition and ordering
IntegratedWe are looking at how different countries celebrate Christmas
SELWe are learning to develop our independence to assist us  with our transition into Grade One
Phonics/SpellingWe are revising our sounds and digraphs to assist us with transition into year one

News and Reminders


Prep students will meet in their 2023 classroom with their new teacher and classmates on Wednesday the 14th of December. Thank you to everyone who has already ordered the stationary packs. Students will bring these to school on their first day in 2023.



The Prep teachers would like to thank everyone for their commitment and energy throughout 2022. We wish you an enjoyable and safe holiday break and look forward to an engaging year in 2023.


Please return ALL library books



A reminder that hats are required for students to play outside in term 4.  These must sunsmart hats such as broad brim or bucket .

Bucket Hat
Bucket Hat


Celebration of Learning

Amena Prep A
Asad Prep A
Prep C
Prep D
Prep E
Amena Prep A
Asad Prep A
Prep C
Prep D
Prep E