Reading for learning.  Reading for living.  Reading for pleasure.

"The library is not just full of books, but also opportunities."  Abbey 2016



Welcome back to the St Nicholas reading community. A big welcome to new students and their families and to our kinder students next week.

Welcome to Miss Laura Goodwin who will be assisting in the library every day from 2-3pm. 


Question: Where is the first place you go after the holidays to catch up with friends? Answer: The Library of course.

Check out the photos, what a hive of activity on the first day back. Students reading, playing , helping, chatting and just hanging out in our beautiful space. A bit messy at times but always welcoming to everyone.



Holiday Borrowing

It has been fabulous to hear students say they appreciated being able to borrow books over the Christmas break.

 I am equally thrilled to see that most of the books borrowed over the long break have been returned this week.




Helpers Galore

The Yr 2 students are very excited and motivated to wear the lanyard that signifies they are Library Leaders. These students will assist at break time and before school to ensure the library is tidy and to offer assistance to students in Yr 1 and kindergarten.

The photo shows just a few of the students who came in to help this morning.

Thank you Yr 2 for your enthusiasm and generosity to our school community.



Yr 6 Library Leaders

Stay tuned to this space for this announcement next week.


Scholastic Book Club

All students from Yr 1 to Yr 6 will now have Issue 1.

Please check your Compass notification for more information.

Orders are due next Wednesday 9th February. Any paper orders must be in an envelope or ziplock bag with NAME, CLASS, BOOKCLUB and delivered straight to the library, not the class teacher. No cheques, thank you.

Kindergarten parents your child will receive Issue 1 on Monday, however, if you are reading this you may want to log in and order online anytime.



Yes, Yes, Yes, it's on again.

Students will receive information notes and reading logs (Kinder, Yr 1 and Yr2 ) next week.



Everyone who returns their summer holiday borrowing will go into a draw for some great prizes from the library. The draws will begin next week.



St Nicholas School Library subscribes to this wonderful free resource. 


This resource is available for use at home FREE of charge. 

Home access details will be available on Compass soon.

NEW On SORA - Magazines 

Download the free App to access this online reading resource provided for us by the Catholic Schools Office through our Oliver Library Program. The App will ask you for your school - simply keep typing in ACEN which is the group we are connected to and you will eventually get in and be able to access thousands of books for yourself and your children.

 child visits the library. All students, K - 6 must have a library bag. This is listed as a requirement on the student Equipment List each year.

LIBRARY BAGS -  ALL students require a bag.


LOTS and LOTS of NEW BOOKS to be borrowed with a LIBRARY BAG.


LIBRARY BAGS MATTER...  Not just some of the time but all of the time.


No food or drink on my books.

Food and drink are for the chooks.

Library bags keep ‘em clean.

Books are cool don’t treat ‘em mean.

Bring your bag every time.

Fill it up and get in line.

Have it scanned and scoot on out.


We all shout