Loving Father,

We thank you for the opportunity to begin this new school year, and we ask that you bless the students, staff, and student families that make our school such a great place. We pray that you will guide us in all ways so that we will seek your will in everything that we do.

We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.


We pray ...

We pray for...our staff as they prepare for another year of school; our St Nicholas School students and families, especially our new Kindergarten children and those students and families who are new to our school; for all those who have completed their schooling and are now beginning a new chapter in their adult life; for families who have lost loved ones over the holiday break; and for the Collett (Lacie 1B) family upon the safe arrival of their precious baby.




Our Parish Priests are Fr Chris Onuekwusi (Parish Priest) and Fr Paul Chandler (Assistant Parish Priest). 

Fr Chris
Fr Paul
Fr Chris
Fr Paul


First Reconciliation - Year 3 - Wednesday 15th June 2022

First Eucharist - Year 3 - Weekend of 18th/19th June 2022

Confirmation - Year 6 - Weekend of 10th/11th September 2022


For new students who are baptised Catholic and are in Years 3 -6 beginning at St Nicholas in 2022, if there is a Sacrament that they have missed receiving please contact Mrs Dunst as soon as possible (rdunst@arm.catholic.edu.au).



As a School Community, we often include the needs, sorrows and joys of our families in our prayers. This is done through class prayer, whole school prayer on assemblies and intentions mentioned in our weekly newsletters. If you experience the loss of a loved one, the anxiety of someone suffering ill-health or the joy of a new addition to your family, please let us know here at school so efforts can be made to include these intentions in our prayers.


Our Pastoral Care is vital in our commitment to show care, support and compassion for those families or individuals who may be experiencing difficulty or suffering through grief, loss or other personal issues. Simple support from others such as the cooking of meals, babysitting children and other chores such as ironing and shopping are some practical ways the load can be lightened. If you or your family are in need in any way throughout the year and would like support, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Dunst or Mrs Daley.