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Welcome to Term 1, 2022! 

There were lots of smiling faces and happy reunions this week as school returned.
There were lots of smiling faces and happy reunions this week as school returned.

Excitement levels were high this past week as students returned to school for the start of Term 1, 2022. 


After more than a months' break, it was a joy for our staff to see—and hear—the College grounds and hallways buzzing again with laughter and chatter as students reunited with their friends and teachers and settled back into school routine. 


We hope all students enjoy their first week of Term and that the school year ahead is a happy and productive one. 


Visit the photo gallery on our website here for more happy snaps from the start of Term 1. 

New students receive a warm SMC welcome

Students take a break from Orientation Day activities to enjoy lunch on the College Green.
Students take a break from Orientation Day activities to enjoy lunch on the College Green.

Last Friday 4 February was Orientation Day, a day that gave our new Senior School students the opportunity to be welcomed. We hope all our new Years 8-12 students were able to have their questions answered and that this day helped them to settle into Senior School life as a St Mary's College student. 


For our Year 7 students, the day was an opportunity to get to know their Homeroom teacher, their Homeroom classroom, receive their timetables, work out their locker and locks, and begin to get to know each other. 


The day began with a gathering in our Nagle Centre, followed by time with their Homeroom to meet peers, their teacher and their classroom. This was followed by a rotation of activities designed to answer some of those key questions. Students were acquainted with their laptops and the BYOD program, received a tour of the Cathedral and the St Mary’s College story, and participated in friendship activities and an Art session.


Whilst we know that so many of our new students were very nervous, they all participated and engaged in the day beautifully. It was because of them, that the day went well. We hope that any new student to the College found this day supportive to their transition. 


A letter will be soon be sent to new families about an upcoming online information session. We encourage any family new to St Mary’s to join us on this day. 


Olivia Stephen

Transition Coordinator

Year 4 dive into learning

Hands-on fun!
Hands-on fun!

Year 4 Myrtle kicked off their learning with a splash this week for the start of the school year, taking part in a fun-filled water relay. 


Students took in turns transporting water, one soaked sponge at a time, seeing who could transfer the most within their team's full cycle. 


The winning team transported 1.5 litres in the allocated time, earning them a hearty round of Happy Chappy class awards and a big cheer from their group! 


This was certainly a great way to learn about conscious water usage, sustainability (the students watered the plants with the water at the end of the race) and maths, in terms of measuring and converting liquid quantities. Well done, Year 4M! 

New play equipment gets the 'thumbs up'

Students get stuck into the new sensory play equipment.
Students get stuck into the new sensory play equipment.

Junior School students are thrilled to have even more options for fun and creative outdoor play at the College. 


Our new water play structure and sandpit, pictured above, are proving popular among students - and they're also a great way to keep cool on those hot summer days! 

Bush tucker garden

Murphy's Café will soon be introducing a number of native Tasmanian treats to its menu with our very own bush tucker garden now in full swing. 


During the holidays our ‘chef of all trades’, Murphy’s Café Manager and Sustainability Officer, Phil Shanny, along with our wonderful College Receptionist, Traci-Jean Berresford, headed off to kipli takara for a bush food walk and history tour at piyura kitina (Risdon Cove).


While walking this special piece of palawa land, they heard about the history of the area and the native bush foods currently in season at piyura kitina, while also having a taste of those native foods. 


Experiencing a unique morning tea of native flavours, fully catered by palawa kipli, Phil and Traci-Jean were inspired to bring some of those beautiful gifts from the land to our gardens here at St Mary’s.


As we look after the land we gather on and eat sustainably, we can celebrate the traditions of the original owners of this land and learn the meaning behind these offerings and how people live off the land. 

The edible bush plants will be grown and cared for by Phil and our students, and will include native mint, native raspberry, native cherry, salt bush and pigface, which has succulent-like leaves and large daisy-like pink flowers. 


Keep an eye out for our bush tucker garden and be sure to check with Mr Shanny before eating anything. Students will also be getting involved and planting these in the coming days and weeks.