Message from Music
Riding on the momentum of our highly successful Celebration Concert, our VCASS Musicians have settled into the swing of something closer to VCASS normality. Ensemble rehearsals, musicianship classes, instrumental lessons, composing, choir, music industry and of course VCE studies… a lot happens in a ‘normal’ week at VCASS. Beyond this, we are fortunate to have welcomed a number of guests in recent weeks and are looking forward to some exciting student performances in Term Two! We wish everyone a safe, restful and productive upcoming end of term break.
Carl Vine Visits VCASS
Carl Vine, a well-established and respected Australian composer, virtually visited our Year 12 Style and Composition Class to shed light on his Percussion Symphony, a work we are currently studying.
His talk was highly insightful and aided in furthering our knowledge of the work. We learnt about his inspiration for the piece, his compositional process and views. This semester we have the opportunity to apply our learning by composing using his styles and techniques.
Vine also gave us more foundational knowledge about the composition of music, and how we “shouldn’t write music for others because we will only ever disappoint.” He also mentioned that the demand for live music is high post-COVID, so now is a good time particularly for new, emerging female composers to reach audiences.
It was an incredible privilege to have this opportunity for him to speak with us. From the Year 12 music class, thank you to Ms Gillan & Mr Le Fevre for arranging his visit.
An Introduction to Alexander Technique
As part of SHAW week, the senior music students participated in an introductory Alexander Technique workshop run by Michael Loftus-Hills, a professional musician and teacher who works with the MSO, ANAM and others.
We explored the concept of effortlessness within both our general posture and in relation to our instruments, along with many more useful insights. Michael's knowledge and entertaining demonstrations created a memorable session with many tips that can be effectively incorporated within our daily lives.
Thank you again to Mr Le Fevre for arranging this workshop to provide us great insight to what Alexander technique is, and thank you to Michael for taking the time to share insightful tips with us.
VCAA Top Arts Opening
On Friday 18 March, the National Gallery of Victoria hosted a function opening the VCAA Top Arts exhibition. Some of our VCASS musicians were invited to provide the soundtrack for the event. Phoebe (Voice), Olivia (Voice), Daniel (Guitar), and Dominic (Piano), all accompanied by Mr James Sherlock (Guitar), each curated a solo jazz set for the event. It was an incredible experience to be able to perform outside of the school setting, for other young artists and to be able to appreciate each other's works and accomplishments (especially after two years of the impact of COVID).
Lyrebird in the Recital Room
The Lyrebird Brass Quintet visited VCASS on Wednesday 23 March, to share excerpts from their upcoming concert at the Melbourne Recital Centre with our Junior Music Students. For many students, this was their first time hearing a brass quintet, especially one of this calibre and performing an all Australian composed program. The Lyrebird Brass Quintet featured some familiar faces including VCASS Trumpet Teacher Rosie Turner (MSO, MCM), Don Immel (MCM) who has been a frequent assessor and delivered masterclasses, Carla Blackwood (MCM) masterclass presenter in 2019, along with Joel Brennen (MSO, MCM) and Tim Buzzbee (MSO, MCM). To find out more:
Lunchtime Concert
Our first Lunchtime Concert for the year was beamed out to the world via our live stream platform on Wednesday 30 March. Dr Haskell curated an eclectic program featuring a number of duo’s, a vocal sextet and the Junior String Orchestra covering well known repertoire from Bruch’s Violin Concerto No.1 (soloist Raistlin) and Johann Baptist Georg Neruda’s Trumpet Concerto in E-flat Major (soloist Arthur) through to lesser known but high class Australian works by Ross Edwards and Paul Jarman. We look forward to welcoming audiences both in person and via live stream to future lunchtime concert performances soon!