Assistant Principals News

Another two weeks, more HSC exams - including MCC’s first ever online HSC Exam.


Our two Science Extension students successfully participated in the State’s first online exam. Today the majority of students will sit the Studies of Religion paper.


Overall, it has been pleasing to note the calm and measured approach of students to these examinations. However, I can’t stress how important it is though, for the students to remain focussed for the last week and a half of exams. It is pivotal that they engage in intensive exam revision and practise responses, in order to best prepare themselves for the exams and earn a result that they will be proud of.


I would also like to wish our Year 11 students and their Pastoral Leader Ms Star all the best for their Year 12 Retreat next week. This formation experience enables the students to strengthen their bond as a collective year group and steel themselves for the year ahead. I urge them to make the most of the experience and use the time to reflect on their achievements and so far, and set goals for their upcoming challenges.


Speaking of Year 11, parents are reminded that Year 11 Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences for Semester 2 will take place on Monday 11th November (Week 5) from 3:45pm - 6pm in the L Block. It is crucial that students attend with their parents to ensure they are part of the learning discussion and can gain feedback from their teacher.


This semester students will now receive their Reports through Compass - our new online platform. Please be aware the reports, whilst in a different layout, still contain all the same information. Next week parents will receive an email with login information. You will be able to log into Compass and access your child’s report. Year 11 students will also be able to log into Compass and access a copy of their reports. As a result, no reports will be emailed to parents. If you have any difficulty or questions regarding this process please contact the College Office.


The MCC staff have also been busy, continuing to engage in Professional Learning. A team of Leaders and Administrators have been implementing the new Compass Computer Platform. Meanwhile, on Wednesday all staff participated in Professional Learning of Case Management meetings. A Case management Meeting is a formalised approach to have teachers share strategies and instructional techniques with each other to help move student learning forward. The staff had a sample of Case Management Meeting modelled to them, and then they participated in their own ‘mock’ Case Management Meeting. This professional learning will be invaluable to staff for 2020 when these meetings are implemented.


Yours in learning,


Lora Segrave and Damien Herb

Co Assistant Principals