Learning and Teaching


Many of you are aware that the school has implemented a Number Intervention programme this year.  It has been lovely to receive so much support, enthusiasm and encouragement from parents, staff and children alike as I progress through the training for the Number Intervention F-4 programme and begin its implementation in the school.


The Number Intervention F-4 programme is an initiative of Catholic Education Melbourne which targets the number skills of children in Years One to Four.  Research shows that students who join the programme make substantial gains in Number confidence - particularly in the areas of mental arithmetic and problem solving. 


This semester, I will be working through the programme with children from Years 3 and 4.  Our school Learning Support Officers, Rosa, Tegan, Pauline and Sophia, will also work with groups of children across the school to improve number skills.             


Naturally, children will develop skills more quickly in the area of Number when they are supported both at home and at school. Without a firm grasp of the concepts of Number, children often experience difficulty and lack confidence in all areas of Mathematics.  Spend ten minutes each day reinforcing Number with your children and watch them grow! 

Below are some ideas you can use with your children to develop a strong basis for Number. In each newsletter, I will include a progression of activities – with daily practice, counting and patterns should become automatic.  Here’s to helping our kids love Maths!        


  • Count forwards by ones to 10, 20, 100 and beyond
  • Count by tens to 130.
  • Start from 28 and count up to 34.  Now start from 44 and count up to 52; 65 to 73; 88 to 96, etc.


  • Give your child a number from one to ten.  How quickly can he/she show the number of fingers.
  • Say a number less than 5.  How many more to make it up to 5?  (eg You say 4, your child says 1).  Practise until the combinations are automatic

Jane Ferris

Number Intervention Specialist



Catholic Education

Visual Arts Exhibition 2017.

We are thrilled to announce that the work of the following 2016 students has been accepted for display in the Visual Arts Exhibition 2017:

Eva  Prep 2016 - ‘My Teacher’s Portrait’

Joe  Year 1 2016 – ‘Scarecrow’

Gypsy  Year 4 2016 – ‘Outer Space’

Imogen  Year 6 2016 – ‘Ned Kelly’

Congratulations to each one of you, a great effort and thoroughly deserved.

Their work will be on display at:

Catholic Leadership Centre

576 Victoria Parade

East Melbourne

Tuesday 14th March: 9.00 am – 4.00 pm

Wednesday 15th March: 9.00 am – 4.00 pm

Thursday 16th March: 9.00 am – 4.00 pm

Friday 17th March: 9.00 am – 4.00 pm

Saturday 18th March: 2.00 pm – 5.00 pm

Sunday 19th March: 2.00 pm – 4.00 pm (invitation only).


Mal Orr

Visual Arts Specialist

Toys Over Time

The only way to learn how toys have evolved over time is to play!

On Tuesday, the Year 1 children had an Incursion looking at how toys have changed over Time.


The children learned about Toys from the past, how toys have changed and played with toys and games from around the world.

They rotated through the 4 activity stations; Construction, Imagination, Up & About and Skill. The Instructor introduced the toys in each section, explained how to use/ play with them and told stories. The children got to experience toys from as early as BC such as spinning tops and yo-yo's, to the 1500's with hula hoops and skipping ropes, to the late 1900's and modern day with miniature bricks.

We all had lots of fun exploring and playing with the different toys.


Laura Cox and Cassandra Smith

Year 1 Teachers

Changes to Specialist Timetable 

Next week, there will be some changes due to a shortened week and Athletics Day. There will be no Library next week.


The following classes will have P.E and will need to wear sports uniform on that day. 

Wednesday 15th March





Thursday 16th March

Prep F

Prep E


