OSHC Information


Important Dates

  • Monday 4th November – we are not running a Curriculum Day program for this day.
  • Tuesday 5th November – Cup Day no school or OSHC
  • Last day of OSHC for 2019 is Friday 20th December. We will be sending out expression of interest forms next week to see if there is enough interest in running a 2 day Christmas program on the 23rd & 24th ( till 4pm) December. Please keep an eye out for the email and compass feed on this.
  • January Vacation Care program will open on Monday 6th January and run for 3 weeks



Children have been enjoying the OSHC office dramatic play space where children of mixed ages have been engaging with other each other. They have interviewed and assigned jobs to each other.

The grade 4, 5 and 6 children have been enjoying designing and creating magic clay bobble heads. A group of girls even worked together to make harry potter characters.

We have set children collage challenges by providing small amounts of materials to see what children will make

We are getting the children to find out what the UV and pollen levels will be each day, so they gain an understanding of sun protection.



 Junior Program

Children have enjoyed preparing and cooking afternoon tea where they have been learning different and new techniques.

Children have been learning about Diwali by participating in a craft activity that sees them creating colourful designs on material bunting. The Educators and children have been discussing what Diwali is and what it celebrates.

Some children have suggested two craft activities that we will include in this fortnights planning. They are “Bug in a Box” and Paper Scratch art.

As children have enjoyed the cooking, we are going to continue to provide opportunities for children to cook


Middle Program

The children have been decorating material bunting for Diwali, discussing what Diwali is, and who celebrates this.

Musical statues is the game of the fortnight with the children enjoying running around and working together to get others free

We are looking forward to making pancakes for National Desert day and continuing to decorate a special picture frame with confetti and working on the challenge of making sure it all stays stuck on.


Senior Program

Children have enjoyed writing a script and planning an OSHC News Show. Using the iPads to film and edit parts of their show.

Children have been learning new card games and have been playing them a large mix of students.

We have planned a craft activity for the upcoming Diwali festival. Children will be able to create salt dough candleholders and decorate them.

Students have asked to have a jewellery/charm making activity using Fimo dough to shape and mould their designs.


From the OSHC Team