Pride Squad News

First meeting for the new  term will be on Wednesday 26th July for all interested students in Year 7-12.


Since the last COG, we launched a junior meeting, 5 representatives of the Pride Squad had lunch with interested Year 7 and  8  students,  to inform the students  about the Pride Squad and support at the College. Unfortunately with the interruptions with exams and GAT and change of meeting day, it has been difficult to meet a 2nd time.


Mrs Andrews and Mrs Ward attended a professional development session on Working with trans and gender diverse students.


A booklet has been launched titled TRANS 101 Gender Diversity Crash Course, created entirely by trans and gender divers youth at YGENDER and MINUS18, made possible by the generous sponsorship of Sidney Myer Fund.


If any one is interested in reading the booklet or checking out the videos the address is


Terms to become familiar with

Gender – Gender is part of a person’s internal sense of self. It can be male, female, neither, a combination of the two, or exist completely outside of that! A person’s relationship with their gender can also change over time as well.


Assigned Gender

Most of us are assigned a gender when we’re born. “It’s a girl”, “It’s a boy”  This is then reinforced by the people around us as we grow up.


Trans gender

Transgender/gender divers, or trans for short, is when you don’t exclusively identify as the gender you were assigned at birth.



Transitioning is when someone takes steps to socially or physically feel more aligned with their gender identity.


Next meeting of the Frankston Mornington Peninsula group with representatives from local organisations along with 2 students from McClelland College and EMC is on the 7th August.