Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning


Frankston Heights Primary School

Last week four students from VCAL (Keith M, Tristan B, Caeleb B-B and Dylan D) helped Mr L build two raised red gum garden beds for KHPS. The project is phase one, with two more garden beds coming after the holidays. The teachers at the Primary School were very grateful and are looking forward to the rest of the build.








MP Visit from Chris Crewther

Local MP Chris Crewther visited students from McClelland VCAL, Frankston SDS and Karingal Heights Primary School to hand over a new indigenous flag for the flagpole at KHPS. He commented on how these community groups have come together and how positive it is to see students of different ages working together in one environment.




Karingal Heights Primary School

Year 11 and 12 students have worked successfully at Karingal Heights Primary School for one day a week over the semester. Some of the projects they have undertaken are painting the inside of the canteen, fixing the school soccer goals, helping organise the disco, supporting in sports lessons, constructing furniture, cementing park benches in the playground, creating a sensory room for autistic students, cleaning out storage sheds, fixing a perimeter fence, trimming hedges, fixing storage bins in the art room and creating a step for the Prep students to reach the water taps. This is a fantastic joint venture that lets the students experience ongoing practical work in a simulated work setting. Principal Cowden has let us know that he will be funding a BBQ morning next term as a thank you.





A surprise visit!

Last week in the VMAX, we had a surprise visit from Coco the Cockatoo! Samara M brought in Coco for a PDS presentation and project to explain how to look after native birds as pets. He was a bit startled at the beginning but ended up going for a wander and seeming pretty happy.

Thanks Samara and Coco!

Love and Learning,

The VCAL Team.