
Extraordinary Month of Mission - October

In response to Pope Francis’ invitation, the month of October creates an opportunity for reflection, prayer and support for the missionary efforts of individuals, communities and the whole Church. 


We stand in solidarity with those who suffer spiritual and socio-economic poverty, as we commit ourselves to do something in support. We remember that the soul of the Church’s mission is prayer. 


Catholic Mission have selected the Country of Ghana to be their recipient of funds raised this year. In Ghana there is a high incidence rate of children with disabilities who struggle to have their most basic needs for healthcare, wellbeing and education met. Life essentials such as nutritious food, clean water, sanitation and housing are lacking and conditions for these young people are very unsafe.


Thankfully missionaries like Sister Stan Therese Mumuni are reaching out to provide love and care to these children when they need it most.  



Mater Dei supports Fundraising for Ghana

Next week, on Wednesday 30 October our Student Representative Council, supported by our new Student Leadership Team will host a ‘Walk in someone else’s shoes’ day, where we encourage students to wear mufti socks to symbolise this and make a gold coin donation in Homegroup.


On this day, our new Year 12 Students Leaders will also host a cake stall at recess, students are encouraged to please bring in gold coins to support this fundraiser for Ghana.

Let us pray that the Holy Spirit may engender a new missionary spring for all those baptized and sent by Christ’s Church.

Heavenly Father,

when your only begotten Son Jesus Christ

rose from the dead,

He commissioned His followers

to ‘go and make disciples of all nations’

and you remind us that through our Baptism

we are made sharers in the mission of the Church.


Empower us by the gifts of the Holy Spirit

to be courageous and zealous

in bearing witness to the Gospel,

so that the mission entrusted to the Church,

which is still very far from completion,

may find new and efficacious expressions

that bring life and light to the world.


Help us make it possible for all people

to experience the saving love

and mercy of Jesus Christ,

who lives and reigns with you

in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

One God, forever and ever.



Pope Francis calls us to celebrate the ‘Springtime of the Church’

What about #mymission?

During October, we are challenged to consider ‘What’s My Mission?’ Pope Francis is urging each of us to reflect on our mission.

In his World Mission Day message the Pope declares:


‘This missionary mandate touches us personally: I am a mission, always; you are a mission, always…. As far as God’s love is concerned, no one is useless or insignificant. Each of us is a mission to the world, for each of us is the fruit of God’s love.’


‘Faith in Jesus Christ enables us to see all things in their proper perspective, as we view the world with God’s own eyes and heart.’


Mrs Amelia Bright | Acting Leader of Mission