Principal's Address

Welcome to Term 4. I hope that all our families have had a relaxing holiday break. As we commence this final term for 2019, we are encouraging all students to focus on realising their learning goals for this year, commencing the term with a strong commitment to their class work, assessments and preparations for the upcoming Semester 2 examinations.


The Year 7 to 10 Parent Student Teacher interviews have been well attended and I thank all those who came along to discuss their child’s progress. The beginning of Term 4 is an excellent time to review study organisation and timetables. Please remember that both Homegroup and class teachers are available to provide individual assistance to students with these areas. 


At the same time as Year 7 to Year 10 are looking towards the completion of their courses this term, our Year 11 students are beginning the HSC Course and Year 12 students have commenced the HSC Examinations. Please keep all them in your prayers during these coming weeks. For those undertaking the HSC we pray:


Heavenly God,  

Let us especially pray for the young men and women of Mater Dei Catholic College as they undertake the Higher School Certificate examinations.


Let your Holy Spirit be with them as they prepare and sit for their exams, guiding their studies, and giving them insight so that they can perform to the best of their ability. 


Please grant them the strength to handle the pressure of these final days, the confidence to feel secure in their knowledge, and the ability to keep an appropriate perspective through it all. Give them calm hearts and quiet confidence in the knowledge that you hold them in the palm of your hand.  


Help them to keep in mind what is truly important, even as they focus time and energy on these exams. Finally, may they sense your peace in knowing that they applied themselves to the challenges of this day. 

We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord.


















End of Year Celebrations –

Responsibilities for Parent Organised Functions

We know that the social life of school students extends beyond College organised events to include privately organised functions held out of hours, away from the College premises.


Principals have been encouraged by education legal expert and barrister Dr Keith Tronc, to remind potential hosts of any privately organised functions involving students of their legal responsibilities and liability, so that these considerations can be taken into account in any decision making around holding such an event. As a number of parents provided feedback on how valuable when this has been published previously, I have included it again here.


Before end of year celebrations, schoolies and Christmas parties begin, it is therefore important to restate that the College disclaims any responsibility for any aspect of non-official functions, and for any accident, injury, breach of law or misconduct that may take place at those functions.


We do expect that all students will behave in an appropriate manner at private functions as the conduct of Mater Dei students outside the College reflects on our reputation as well as both the individual’s and family’s reputation. The College therefore reserves the right to respond to any unacceptable student behaviour if such misbehaviour can be shown to impact the good order and discipline of the College.


Dr Tronc urged principals to remind potential parent hosts of any private events involving students, that they are likely to be legally liable for any negligent acts or omissions resulting in injuries, or for breaches of law by themselves or young people under their control and supervision, with the College in no way accepting liability or accepting responsibility for parent hosts’ actions, students’ actions or gate crashers’ actions at non-official College functions.


Staff Update

Mrs Rebecca Gill has returned as a part time teacher this term before she commences Maternity Leave for 2020. We congratulate Mrs Bright on her continuing appointment as Acting Leader of Mission for the 2020 school year and Mrs Walker who will continue as KLA Leader of Religious Education for this same period of time.


Mrs Renee Higgins is replacing Mrs Stacey Curran this term. We congratulate Mrs Curran and her husband Mitch on the safe arrival of their son Cooper last Sunday.


Ms Cramp will continue as Acting Assistant Principal until Mr Lawrence returns from Leave on 29 October.


I am looking forward to a productive and enjoyable Term 4 as we journey towards the end of the 2019 school year.



Mrs Val Thomas | Principal