
Chris Oxford

Head of Department | Mathematics









Dealing with Extended Absences


Hopefully, we are through the worst of the Omicron wave, but if students find themselves needing to isolate for a week but are well enough to continue their schoolwork, we have some resources that may help. Of course, staying in contact with the classroom teacher is still the most important thing to do.


For Year 7-10, Canvas courses have an Online Maths button on the front page.








This links to some of our externally provided interactive maths websites and websites with video lessons.


We have also produced video lessons based on the examples in out textbooks. These videos are located with the Common Resources sections, and put on topic specific pages as shown below. Some of these are still to be made but the list will increase over time.










You don’t have to be isolated to make use of these resources. I’m sure students will find them very useful for short term absences and for revising content leading up to exams.