News from Yr 3/4

Tennis, Shrove Tuesday & Writing

Recently, the students of St. Bridget’s have been treated with a tennis clinic from the Fireball Tennis Group. The kids very much enjoyed getting outside in the amazing weather and practising their tennis skills. When Kasper, the tennis coach asked the 

Year 3/4s if any of them had never played tennis before and we had quite a few hands go up in the air. Despite this, I was very impressed with the skills that I saw from a group of children where the majority had never played tennis before.

 Kasper and Stuart who were leading the clinic, did a great job using language the kids could understand and demonstrating to them what they wanted them to do.


They started off with some simple ball and racket techniques, attempting to hit it to themselves. Followed by some hitting and catching games. The smiles on their faces told me that they were having a wonderful time. 

Tuesday the 1st of March marked the day before the beginning of Lent. The children in Year 3/4 were lucky enough to celebrate this day by enjoying the sweet sensation that only pancakes can provide. Steph and I took on the role of cooks and using a portable pan, made around 40 pancakes for the students. 

We had a few toppings to choose from such as maple syrup, strawberry jam and butter. While the pancakes were cooking, the children enjoyed some Lent themed activities. We also spoke about the importance of Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday.


The children helped out by shaking the pancake mix and doing an amazing clean up after we had finished eating our delicious pancakes.

In Writing, sizzling starts are interesting beginnings to a narrative which grab the reader's attention and keep them interested. A sizzling start should begin with action or something exciting to hook the reader.

The students in Year 3/4 have been learning about sizzling starts and how to create an interesting beginning to a story.

Over the past week, we have been exploring the use of sizzling starts throughout books, movies and advertisements. We have found some great examples of sizzling starts and some examples of the opposite.


The children have enjoyed watching the first few minutes of a range of films and discussing whether they think there is a sizzling start or not. It is always interesting to hear the discussion with differing opinions and the evidence they use to support their arguments.

After exploring the sizzling starts around us, the children and I wrote one as a group using the sentence starter: The night the power went off.

Please enjoy this sizzling start we made together.

“THERE IS NO INTERNET!” Marco screamed as he threw his laptop across the room. Luckily, the laptop landed on the soft cushions so there was no damage. 
Last night, a very powerful storm ruined Marco’s chances of winning a Battle Royale in Fortnite. All he wanted to do was spend his Saturday playing PlayStation and eat potato chips. What was he going to do now?


Kind Regards


Mr Tom Brophy

MLC Classroom Teacher