ELC News

Aussie Wildlife Displays presents Wildlife Wonders to the Marine and Daintree Groups  

Jo Laughlin, ELC Teacher, Daintree Group


Following on from the children’s interest in Australian animals, on 22 and 24 Feb we invited Vince from Aussie Wildlife Displays to come along and share his knowledge about some of the Australian animals that inhabit our environment.

Firstly, the children were introduced to the following reptiles: Tabitha, a black-headed two and a half-metre python, Sue and Nathan, the pygmy pythons, and Alaska, an albino python.

Referring to one of pygmy pythons, Taylor said, 'I liked the little snake. She was a bit warm. She uses her tongue to smell for air and food. She was a bit soft. I like her. I didn’t like the big one.' 

Next, we met the two blue-tongue lizards and a shingleback lizard. We also met Dennis, a black red-tailed cockatoo. Vince informed us that this bird is endangered. 


Following on from the reptiles, the children learnt about two of the marsupials that inhabit our environment. This included Steve, a tiny squirrel glider, and Ally the wombat.

Tommy, commenting on the wombat said, 'It’s great! It’s not so scary. It has a pouch, but it didn’t have a baby. They live in the ground.' 

The last animal we met was 'Splash' the crocodile. Although he was small, he still had very sharp teeth. Most of the children thought he was very cute and liked patting his tail.


The children thoroughly enjoyed this interactive display, learning more about their environment and the animals that live here.