In & around the school

Important information and everything happening in and out of the classrooms.

Visiting the school

All adult visitors to the school are required to provide proof of vaccination - this is for double vaccination, not booster applicable.

World's Greatest Shave

The SRC ran The World's Greatest Shave during Shave Week on Friday and managed to raise a huge $3862.25!!!!  

The boys from friNge Benefits barber shop were on deck to make sure everyone had a professional job done and some mullets that were reportedly 4 years old were sacrificed in the name of rising money for the Leukaemia Foundation.

The link is still live so if you would like to donate please click HERE.

Shout out to Dillon who raised $2010!

Year 9/10 Science - On the Move

Year 9/10 Science on the Move class have just completed their first CAT on measuring velocity and acceleration of a moving vehicle, for three different angles. This was a terrific practical experience in introducing students to motion relative to gravity.


Clean up Australia Day

On Tuesday the 8th of March Year 9 SCORE program participated in ‘Clean up Australia Day’. As part of the SCORE program students are completing the ‘Duke of Edinburgh’ award which requires students to complete a recreational activity, personal skill and voluntary service. Students volunteered to take part in picking up rubbish. 

It was an official event with a page being set up with Clean up Australia which resulted in ‘Clean up Australia Day’ sending us supplies as well as the Southern Grampians Shire picking up the larger rubbish. 

Students started off cleaning up Baimbridge Rec Reserve then moved onto the Bus exchange, later cleaning up the school. 


The students all participated with enthusiasm and were all willing to lend a helping hand. From here, students identified that this needs to be ongoing and that some students would be able to spend their times cleaning up the school yard every Tuesday. 

To further work towards obtaining their hours of volunteer work I have organized/ organizing:

  • Tree planting down at the Grange Burn
  • Helping Hamilton North with their Cross Country
  • Water Bugs (a program aimed around sustainability)
  • Clearing of land down on the Grange Burn

If anyone reading this has any ideas for volunteer work whether that be for 80 students or 5 students we are flexible and open to any discussions.

Mr Zac Doherty

Year 8 STEAM

"The Year 8 STEAM classes are undertaking a project on building different bridge design, testing their strength, and then leading them to constructing their own bridge with Spaghetti.

This is our second stage of a process of learning about Engineering concepts and skills in an appropriate manner."


National Bullying NO WAY DAY

Friday the 18th of March was the national bullying no way day. To support the day we held a casual clothes day where we asked everyone to wear something orange. Proceeds will go towards a donation to Dolly's dream and also some in school anti bullying and violence materials for future resources.


We aren't far away now!

The following groups will be heading onto the site for 20 minute walk through's (pending final approval dependent on works being carried out at the time):

  1. School councillors Monday March 21st 
  2. Staff and cleaners - Wed March 23rd 
  3. Students and staff - Wed March 30th
View of the courtyard looking along the tech rooms
Mackenzie & Mr Robinson in the new Science room
View of the courtyard looking along the tech rooms
Mackenzie & Mr Robinson in the new Science room

Welcome to the Dungeon!

We are planning to have a dungeon performance featuring ‘Number ones of the past’ on Thursday the 31st of March, doors at 6.00pm for a pre-show BBQ at the Creative Arts Centre.

This is the first ‘dungeon’ concert for a while due to restrictions, so why not come on down and see our students in action? They’ll be presenting some songs that may bring back a fond memory or two.

I really hope to see you there.

Glenn Hayes,

Music coordinator.

Year 7/8/9/10 Fitness Components

During their recent Physical Education lessons, Year 7, 8, 9 and 10 students completed fitness testing.


They began with Aerobic Endurance ‘Beep Test’, which involved running between markers placed 20 metres apart, at increasing speeds until exhaustion. They completed a range of other tests such as the agility test, vertical jump and a range of sport specific testing. Students were able to apply the tests to a range of games or sports to understand the different fitness components.