Principal's Report 

The Strength of our Community

The passing of past staff is always difficult for school communities. Recently we mourned the loss of Teresa Duffy (nee Tonks), a long standing staff member of the College. Teresa still had quite strong connections with colleagues, despite moving to her new College in Ararat. News such as this, has an impact on our community, but as a faith community we have prayed together and spent some time in quiet reflection. Our staff have been supportive of each other and our students. It is important that we always remember the fragility of life, but that we give thanks to the lives we have shared and been fortunate enough to walk with for some of the journey.


Student Activities

Last week we moved straight into College photographs and the swimming sports, two very different occasions, but there was great spirit in both. Our students really rose to the occasion of competition, but still enjoyed the atmosphere at the pool. Congratulations to the House that polled first place: Delany House. I have also been fortunate to attend the Year 7 camp at Camp Jungai this week. This experience really gives our Year 7 students a sense of belonging and created many opportunities for them to build strong and positive relationships with each other and staff. Of course, it also gave them lots of opportunities for fun and laughter. It was great to see our youngest students having a ball! Whether they were in a canoe on the lake, on the high ropes or participating in our liturgy, they were challenged but supported to step outside of their comfort zones if needed. The planning and preparation of a camp for nearly 200 students cannot be underestimated, my thanks to those staff who were involved in some way.  


Our New Campus

We are getting closer to naming our two campuses, but this process has reminded me of the importance of discernment. Whilst we live in a fast paced world, it is necessary for us to slow down, take heed, pause and reflect, particularly when we are making significant decisions. The naming committee has felt the responsibility of this decision, but there has been good conversations, rationale and listening ears. More on this in the coming weeks.



It is perhaps timely to remind the adults in our community of the importance of driving safely and displaying patience around the College, particularly at drop off and pick up times. I ask that you are mindful of the young people that at times may be distracted as they leave College grounds; therefore our attentiveness needs to increase.


RATs and Masks

At this stage we are waiting on our next delivery of rapid antigen tests, but we have been informed that staff and students will be expected to continue testing twice a week for the remainder of term. I thank families for their cooperation in this space. I appreciate at times this can be quite challenging, but nonetheless the tests are contributing to us all remaining onsite and in school. Whilst masks will not be mandatory, students and staff may still opt to wear them.


With strength and kindliness, we head toward the second half of Term 1.


God Bless.


Anne Marie Cairns
