Assistant Principal's Report

Miss Carly Epskamp

Cultural Diversity Week

This week has been a really special one at DPS. We have celebrated Cultural Diversity Day as well as Harmony Day and Anti Bullying Day. This week provides us with a great opportunity to celebrate all the cultures that enrich our school and build upon the students cultural knowledge.


Students have done several extra curricular activities throughout the week including quizzes and specialised artwork. They have also had explicit lessons on Anti Bullying methods and procedures along with Harmoneous practises. Friday will be an excellent culmination of the week, where students will dress up in cultural attire. We will be having a small outdoor parade with other classes in the year level and there will also be a sausage sizzle, where sausages will cost $2.50.


School Captains Leadership Conference

Next week I will accompany the four School Captains to the Halogen Young Leaders Conference at the Melbourne Exhibition Centre. The day is designed to develop our students leadership abilities. Did you know that over 23,000 students attend this event around Australia annually? This will be the first year that DPS will participate in this conference and we are all really excited to see the opportunities that this conference may present for our four School Captains.   

COVID - 19

Although we seem to have a minimal number of cases of COVID within the school at the moment, I wanted to continue to include this message in my report for your viewing.   

If your child is isolating due to COVID , whether they have tested positive or are a household contact, DPS have implemented some procedures across the school. You can expect a wellbeing check in or two from the classroom teacher. Plus your child, may choose to access these activities:

  • Mathletics
  • Reading Eggs
  • Epic books
  • Write a journal/letter to their teacher/ letter to their friend
  • (This is a department website with many activities relating to all curriculum areas: English, Maths, Science, Dance, History and Geography)

If students are absent for more than seven days, the procedures change slightly.  You can still expect a wellbeing check in or two from the classroom teacher. Plus you will be emailed a pack of activities, made by the teaching team at DPS. There is no expectation that your child will complete all of these activities, they are just there if required.