Persian New Year


Every year, millions celebrate Persian New Year, also known as Norooz. This celebration begins with spring which represents a season of new life. March 20th every year is a religious holiday that not only marks the New Year, but the end of the nineteen day fast.

Nowruz, which means “new day” in Persian, has been celebrated for more than 3,000 years, and traditionally begins the very moment that the sun crosses the equator on the vernal equinox. 

Parent voice

"Also I am so happy and excited for March 18 parade. The diversity is one of my own particular subjects of interest. The date is very close to Persian Norooz and start of spring in Persia and it is one of most important and widely celebrated and appreciated traditional  national celebration.Even in historical sites such as Pasargod and Perspolis  which belong to more than 2500 years ago,there are lots of epigraphs displaying the celebration! 

I would like people to know more about the celebration.

Can we make some special arrangements to introduce Norooz and Haft-sin and the whole idea of this celebration"?