This term, the Level 4 students have been attending weekly gymnastics sessions to learn about alternate ways to stay healthy. The students have really enjoyed this program. Here are some student comments and highlights.  


Davin 4F- I love gymnastics because it is fun and is good for your body. I also love jumping over obstacles and on the trampoline. 


Vritti 4F- I think gymnastics is super fun because you get to do lots of cool activities to test your flexibility. 


Cassie 4F- Gymnastics is fun because you can learn how to balance and do flips. 


Roza 4MQ- I like gymnastics because it's fun, cheap and healthy. It helps you learn new tricks, you can make new friends, encourages you, builds up your confidence and makes you feel happy and proud. 


Jeremy 4MQ- I like gymnastics because it improves strength and flexibility and we get to experience things that we don't normally do. 


David 4MQ- I like gymnastics because it makes me fit and healthy. My favourite part was when I swung on top of the bar. 


Zoey 4SM- The gymnastics program has been great because the teachers are positive. It's a good workout.


Stephanie 4SM- I really enjoy gymnastics because there were coaches that I knew. They also gave me harder things when something was too easy.


Frank 4SM-I really enjoy gymnastics because it's fun and healthy for your body.